A bit more on the topic...
If it makes a difference in the final product from the position of the grower, then do whatever works. No argument there.
The thing is, the idea of flushing runs counter to the scientific understanding of how plants work. Does it make a difference with taste/quality? Who knows. Any evidence would be purely subjective anyway. What we do know is that from a biological point, it is counterproductive for the plant.
I really try to avoid these discussions because there really is no correct answer. I am not nearly as concerned for the physiology of the plant a week before I am about to hack it to bits as I am for having flower to smoke.
Have a little read of this
As you’re aware,
your plants grow by absorbing compounds from nutrients, water, and the atmosphere. These compounds become part of your plant tissues.
As your plants age, they accumulate excess nutrient salts and other substances that decrease the quality and value of your endproduct.
At times, this accumulation is visible as overfertilization or other crop failures. More often, it is an unseen burden that infiltrates your crops from the inside out.
This insidious burden causes crops that have offensive taste and odor; crops that burn with black ash or are hard to keep lit; and crops that irritate and damage your respiratory system, causing coughing and other health issues.
Can you recall a time when you almost coughed your lungs out? It was polluted crops that did it.
Many growers try “flushing” their crops or they use all-organic nutrients to deal with accumulated salts that affect finished crop quality. Unfortunately, most forms of flushing, or the use of all-organic fertilizers, does not purge crops of harsh residues.
^^^^^^^^^^ agree with the theory of flushing
For one thing, the most common way that growers flush their crops is by giving their crops water that has no nutrients in it. But this doesn’t fully cleanse your crops. It only starves your plants so they lose vigorous floral growth and resin percentages just before harvest.
^^^^^^^^^^^^ Pop and mark there’s the point ypu guys have been trying too make.
Other growers use flushing formulas that generally consist of a few chemicals that sometimes have the ability to pull a limited amount of residues out of your plants.
These primitive flush formulas remove plant nutrition, resulting in smaller harvests and decreased harvest potency. Not only that, but they don’t provide the full-spectrum, value-enhancing cleanse you’re looking for.
Truth be told, the stuff that stores in your plants comes from fertilizers, water, and the atmosphere, and organic fertilizer has no crop-cleansing properties in and of itself.
Fortunately, there’s a better way to ensure that your harvests are crystal-pure.