Hot diggity-dang @TheMongol , those Californian Reapers are 2,200,000 Scovilles...ouch!
Your gonna want to wash your hands before touching Mr. Peepee after touching those chillies, or your gonna know the pain of childbirth!
When my 9 year old step-son was 6 he made a batch of salsa for me and ran off afterwards to pee without words, his mom and I told him a thousand times to wash well, but he just ran off so we couldn't even stop him and help. By the time I caught up and tried to help he was already on fire on both the twig and berries, the tears started flowing and although I was yelling "DON'T WIPE THEM AND LET GO OF YOUR THING" it was all much too late. Poor boy cried and burned for like an hour. He got over it and we enjoyed the honestly best fresh salsa I have had yet.