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Anyone for a suppository?



Belgium, a land where it's totally illegal but they won't bother prosecuting for one female plant or 3g, where I can buy as many hemp seeds and hemp oil as I wish but the second CBD is extracted from said hemp it becomes illegal as it's an "extract from a cannabis plant".

We're not that far behind China in that respect...
sorry to hear that, but we still have some customers from Belgium....
Of course you will, people will just stick their middle finger up at such ridiculous laws and, well, nobody says your lights can only be used for growing marijuana so buying your lights is not actually an issue.

Where it becomes an issue is when people turn round and tell everyone and their dog that they grow their own weed, which is just an invitation for trouble
Of course you will, people will just stick their middle finger up at such ridiculous laws and, well, nobody says your lights can only be used for growing marijuana so buying your lights is not actually an issue.

Where it becomes an issue is when people turn round and tell everyone and their dog that they grow their own weed, which is just an invitation for trouble
Mate got done growing, while they are taking away his crop, cop sticks the mix bowl under his nose as asks "what's this green stuff?"

Mate goes "whoofff.., what green stuff?"

When he got to court and done over he asked for his grow gear etc back and he got it.. Complete with the bong, water in it. And well, the story goes it was actually packed but that bit may well be embellished.

Said mate was a mate of a mate ya know :thumbsup:

Anyhoo, authority can tounge my brown...

I actually want to get caught because I have the approval of two doctors insofar as pain relief goes, and I want someone to explain why I'm denied a perfectly safe and non-addictive painkiller and am forced to take highly-addictive opiates and diazepam instead.

Basically, it would be a REALLY hard necked judge who convicted me but I would happily go through that just so I could get the press involved to get a REAL debate on MMJ started here because I know that I could tear our "Health Minister" to shreds if we had a face to face even though she is a fully qualified General Practitioner doctor.

And as a fully qualified GP, who did that job for 25 years, she has no right to lecture me or anyone on anything regarding health, not when, well, see for yourself...


Anyone who makes Jabba the Hutt look anorexic has no right to lecture anyone on health matters, and it's little wonder she gets compared to "Shrek's Evil Twin Sister", the one that would turn people off the movies..
No, I'm just a stubborn old bastard who has more life experience in the little toe on the left foot than most politicians have in their entire body.

That fat shit De Block said something a few years back about addiction being a choice and that people could cure such things if they wanted to, even though there was, even then, more than enough evidence to prove that brain chemistry plays a massive part in addiction.

Needless to say, I wasn't the only one who sent her a message that she was completely wrong and what she said was beyond offensive, and I'll never have any respect for any politician who, despite her years of training and experience as an actual medical professional, shows they have a lower IQ than your average windowlicker in matters such as these.

She's nothing more than vermin, and you won't be shocked to hear she's a Liberal (you know, the type who are as "liberal" as Pol Pot), and the sooner she and her ilk are removed from positions of power the better.
Opened up my mailbox today and saw 2 government pamphlets about "get the facts" before legalization passes next week. No big surprises, but "legal" cannabis will have an Excise Stamp. This is beginning to remind me of the tobacco industry...

No changes to medical access, but no-one will need a permit to grow up to 4 plants per household indoors and out of sight.

The guy at the hydro store said all of the big producers are gone. He said that regulators might control the cannabinoid levels and control seed sales. I hope that neither of those is true, I want a variety to choose from!
I wonder if dispensaries will try to get rid of their un-stamped weed before the 17th..... could be like buying Halloween candy on Nov 1st. I do like a good bargain.
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