No, I'm just a stubborn old bastard who has more life experience in the little toe on the left foot than most politicians have in their entire body.
That fat shit De Block said something a few years back about addiction being a choice and that people could cure such things if they wanted to, even though there was, even then, more than enough evidence to prove that brain chemistry plays a massive part in addiction.
Needless to say, I wasn't the only one who sent her a message that she was completely wrong and what she said was beyond offensive, and I'll never have any respect for any politician who, despite her years of training and experience as an actual medical professional, shows they have a lower IQ than your average windowlicker in matters such as these.
She's nothing more than vermin, and you won't be shocked to hear she's a Liberal (you know, the type who are as "liberal" as Pol Pot), and the sooner she and her ilk are removed from positions of power the better.