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Think of a family tree, A boy or girl who mates with her parent would produce an F2 child. If those people have kids, and do it with grandma who bears a another child than that grandchild is an F3.

They would also probably be adept at playing the banjo :biggrin:
They would also probably be adept at playing the banjo :biggrin:View attachment 954549

Exactly, inbreeding is what we really mean by hybrid seeds. And it is why it never works to make crosses from hybrids. They always revert to the Main parents DNA.
No, you mate each new generation male with the ORIGINAL mother. That way you're keeping the best traits with the original genes instead of introducing new genes to provide a different plant altogether.

Think of it like "Arkansas", or, if you're in the UK, "Norfolk"...

I am Scotland ,,so like a weegie :biggrin:
I would ask someone else first before you start which one to keep as the backcrossing parent and which one should be the female.
I would guess that if you want Ruby traits but the frame and main line of a dragon than you would want to select the best Ruby males and go back to a new Dragon female each genertaion.

BUT, if you want to have the Ruby be the main parent, than select each generation for dragon traits and breed back to a Ruby Female.

Get it? But this is tricky, I would ask FullDuplex, or some other breeder which way to go for the traits you are after.
It's no biggie, I want Dragon traits and chomping for FD to release. Ruby I haven't even sampled but research and now only a few days from taking one down I'm still in love!

It's all good, I can be patient!

Ok guys I gotta go. But if you really want to breed, Stone Dragon I think is a good place to start. If I'm not mistaken they are at least f7 and you would need to get a handful of them, and grow new ones each generation of children with whatever you cross it with. And on that note.

I gotta run. Peace.

Ok guys I gotta go. But if you really want to breed, Stone Dragon I think is a good place to start. If I'm not mistaken they are at least f7 and you would need to get a handful of them, and grow new ones each generation of children with whatever you cross it with. And on that note.

I gotta run. Peace.


Thanks for your time pal,,, have a good day :d5:
They've told you that, that should be an instant refund.

But it is a word to the wary, it is a minefield and the light you got is a prime example of this, a "1000w" that pulls 60w. Underdriven due to cheap and, effectively, nonexistent cooling yet marketed so as to sell it to someone who thinks they're getting a good deal.

Yeah I’ve got a full refund for it. The 1000w has good reviews and some1 mentioned in the comment that theirs is running at 402w when tested. It’s only £15 more than the 130w actual draw I use so I’ll be happy if it was running anywhere 200w+ to be fair.
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