Was raining when I left, and raining when I got back. Blech. Should have picked this stuff up last night.
Looking forward to seeing what you set up. Sure in the right place for getting help with tweaking things!
The GG4 tank was way overdue for a flush. The procedure I use is to drain everything currently in the tank, fill with all DI, wait a bit for things to dissipate, then drain and refill with nute solution. That is usually more than enough. With the GG, the DI that i drained near the end was still half the concentration of what I am already feeding it with. Just washing a second gallon of DI through it now.
Also discovered something I had not anticipated. Already knew that water temperature not only affects the solubility of O2, but CO2 as well. What didn't occur to me (until faced with pretty clear evidence) was that this will affect pH. More dissolved CO2 means lower pH. The water I got from the store was, well, store temperature.. below 70F. The pH was a solid .3 points lower than the water I distill in my 75-80 F home. i could be misinterpreting this, but it's interesting nonetheless.