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I concur....If Feds wanted to be real pains in the ass , all the head shops in town would be closed, no papers behind the gas station counter, etc....that "for tobacco use only" sticker isnt going to stop the DEA. Next thing you know , all plates and presses will have a sticker saying "for bearings use only".
Bearings only? Not hardly!

Check this out.. Also, perhaps the most honestly rendered "holy shit" in the history of youtube..

Bearings only? Not hardly!

Check this out.. Also, perhaps the most honestly rendered "holy shit" in the history of youtube..

I know that those presses can be used for multiple applications...just generalizing its use.....Seen a special on Nova or somewhere about the Prince Rupert drop....amazing little drop of glass....and impressive
I know that those presses can be used for multiple applications...just generalizing its use.....Seen a special on Nova or somewhere about the Prince Rupert drop....amazing little drop of glass....and impressive
I know. Was just being a smartass. Also, not so sure I would put a Prince Rupert drop in a press. Doesn't sound terribly conducive to a long life.
As soon as you can show me where it is illegal to purchase a hydraulic press in a brick and mortar store, you might have a point about the "anything to do with marijuana" thing. Look at what else they sell that is clearly geared for canna. Much more so than some hydraulic press.

I will maintain my argument that this is either a safety/lawsuit issue, or something else that has nothing to do with canna, or perhaps nothing at all.

Not sure where you are going with the YouTube thing. YouTube pulls channels all the time for a plethora of reasons. Not saying I agree with their methods, but I am not convinced this or the Amazon stuff is some government intervention.

I can order all the rosin presses I want. And I live in a state where they don't take too kindly to the herb. Methinks this is much ado about nothing.

I don't know the reasons, but what was clear is someone did get an order pulled, you can buy a bigger variety of rosin presses in California than in Michigan, and if it was "Health and Safety" then the UK would have cracked down on it because, believe it or not, the UK is crazier about that sort of thing than even the US.

The YouTube thing has been that they have pulled assorted channels regarding growing which had been ok for months or even years, but suddenly "broke the terms of service". We know that's arse covering, but who do you think they want to cover their arses from? Noob growers who don't get results? No, that's covering their arses from someone higher up the food chain.

The same seems to applying to the USA, depending on state, and is again looking like an arse covering exercise, but if it was a "safety" issue then you would expect the moonhowlers in California to be the ones at the forefront of any "safety" issues and said "safety" issues would apply across the entirety of the country.

We'll see in time if there's a concentrated effort to crack down on any paraphernalia or equipment related to canna, for even in the most litigious societies, and the UK has caught up considerably with the US in that respect with an incredible amount of frivolous cases in the last decade or so, with "labelling" being the craziest where they've reached the point where household bleach has been labelled as "suitable for vegans", Amazon would not be the one being sued for anything as they don't actually sell the product as they are just a marketplace for others, same as the Bay of the E (where you see presses clearly marked as coming from China, Canada, and so on, over "US").

It may be that the binned order that started all this off was because of a ripper, taking the money but not delivering, but it could also be a conscious effort by the likes of Amazon to restrict sales of certain things for reasons they have not admitted yet and, well, not all local, state or federal decisions are put into the public domain.

Like with over here where various places suddenly refused to deliver CBD to Belgium with no announcement, but we know the reason why, time will tell. It could have been just someone being overzealous, it could have been a ripper, or it could be the start of restrictions of certain products across state lines, the latter being a ridiculous situation altogether which I apply to weed itself as more and more states move to some form of legalisation, which could lead to the Feds actually gaining valuable revenue by allowing authorised and legal transportation between "growing" states and "medical" (for example) states and adding a small levy per ton transported, which could also be directed at combating the smuggling of far worse substances that seem to be able to cross the country with impunity. But that would mean "common sense" and when you hear the latest nonsense at the Canadian border, or at least whatthey are proposing, then you know "common sense" is something that is not in plentiful supply in DC, and certainly isn't in any sort of supply here in my neck of the woods where policies have led to an explosion in the availability in the underground market.

As I say, time will tell.
I concur....If Feds wanted to be real pains in the ass , all the head shops in town would be closed, no papers behind the gas station counter, etc....that "for tobacco use only" sticker isnt going to stop the DEA. Next thing you know , all plates and presses will have a sticker saying "for bearings use only".

Well, no, because didn't the one with the Chihuahua on his head state that he was going to leave such decisions up to the local and state authorities?

The DEA would be left with even more egg on their faces, if such a thing was possible, if they went against that one.
Not sure if anyone has seen this! Here's the link!
Report: White House formed secret committee to combat public support of marijuana

POSTED 2:25 PM, AUGUST 30, 2018, BY FOX 13 NEWS

The White House reportedly formed a committee of federal agencies in secret to push back against public support of marijuana and show legalization measures in a negative light.

BuzzFeed News, citing interviews with agency staff and documents, says the White House named the effort the “Marijuana Policy Coordination Committee” and instructed 14 federal agencies and the DEA to submit data showing the “most significant negative trends” about marijuana.

“Staff believe that if the administration is to turn the tide on increasing marijuana use there is an urgent need to message the facts about the negative impacts of marijuana use, production, and trafficking on national health, safety, and security,” one meeting summary obtained by BuzzFeed News states.

BuzzFeed News reports that none of the documents they have obtained in connection with the committee “indicate that officials are seeking data that show marijuana consumption or legalization laws, which have been approved in eight states, serve any public benefit or do a better job of reducing drug use.”
Not sure if anyone has seen this! Here's the link!
Report: White House formed secret committee to combat public support of marijuana

POSTED 2:25 PM, AUGUST 30, 2018, BY FOX 13 NEWS

The White House reportedly formed a committee of federal agencies in secret to push back against public support of marijuana and show legalization measures in a negative light.

BuzzFeed News, citing interviews with agency staff and documents, says the White House named the effort the “Marijuana Policy Coordination Committee” and instructed 14 federal agencies and the DEA to submit data showing the “most significant negative trends” about marijuana.

“Staff believe that if the administration is to turn the tide on increasing marijuana use there is an urgent need to message the facts about the negative impacts of marijuana use, production, and trafficking on national health, safety, and security,” one meeting summary obtained by BuzzFeed News states.

BuzzFeed News reports that none of the documents they have obtained in connection with the committee “indicate that officials are seeking data that show marijuana consumption or legalization laws, which have been approved in eight states, serve any public benefit or do a better job of reducing drug use.”

Doesn't surprise me, but, as usual, they ignore what would be the POSITIVE effects from decent legislation allowing the LEGAL distribution across state lines, the LEGAL sales, and so on which takes the production, quality and "trafficking" out of the hands of the cartels, who are the real issue.

You allow legal sales, for medical or rec, then you'll see most users use the legal dispensaries over the dodgy bloke on the corner of the street. You'll see an increase in revenue, you'll have more money to tackle the trade in heroin, crack, meth, etc, the narcotics that cause the real damage to society.

And as far as the "negative aspects on health", there's decades of data from Holland which show that decriminalisation has not turned the country into a nation of dribbling psychotic windowlickers but which has, as the Dutch themselves say, removed the attraction of the drug to the youth, that they've made marijuana "boring" as the youth don't get the kick out of doing something that sticks the middle finger up to "the Man". It's not a perfect situation, I can just go onto a secure messenger service and have an ounce or two, or a kilo, delivered to my door in a matter of hours and the same happens in Holland since they decided to restrict sales to "foreigners" in the border regions, driving the trade underground and creating a black market, with all the problems that go along with that, and loss of revenue where there was not one before. A stupid move which has backfired spectacularly.

But you have highlit the sort of pressure being brought down upon the multinationals such as Google/YouTube, Amazon, etc, which I mentioned before, and why I pointed out that all such actions at local, state and federal level are not always released into the public domain as Mike tried to say.

So, as I say, expect to see restrictions being placed on certain things, as the loonies in the Government, at all levels, will only get worse as they see more control over the population be lost when the sensible thing to do is to have a lighter touch which would discourage the average joe turning to the the illegal market, and would also benefit many a person with medical needs who are being forced to fill their bodies with "pharmaceutical toxins" which will cause far more harm and expense to the nation in the long term.

And, finally, as is usual, the politicians learn nothing from history, and if there's one country which should know that Prohibition does NOT work it is the USA.
Not sure if anyone has seen this! Here's the link!
Report: White House formed secret committee to combat public support of marijuana

POSTED 2:25 PM, AUGUST 30, 2018, BY FOX 13 NEWS

The White House reportedly formed a committee of federal agencies in secret to push back against public support of marijuana and show legalization measures in a negative light.

BuzzFeed News, citing interviews with agency staff and documents, says the White House named the effort the “Marijuana Policy Coordination Committee” and instructed 14 federal agencies and the DEA to submit data showing the “most significant negative trends” about marijuana.

“Staff believe that if the administration is to turn the tide on increasing marijuana use there is an urgent need to message the facts about the negative impacts of marijuana use, production, and trafficking on national health, safety, and security,” one meeting summary obtained by BuzzFeed News states.

BuzzFeed News reports that none of the documents they have obtained in connection with the committee “indicate that officials are seeking data that show marijuana consumption or legalization laws, which have been approved in eight states, serve any public benefit or do a better job of reducing drug use.”

This doesn't surprise me in the least. Just like when the gov't asked labs to test the effects of marijuana, they kept out the positive beneficial things on every report and highlighted the so called bad things.

@Banjacked sure,,leave it up to the state...that is not the blanketing law, at least not yet. If it was true, there would be no federal raids on legitimate dispensaries,and farms in states that have made it legal. That little troll J. Sessions has all power to enforce federal law. Hes a throw back from the miserable failure which was known as the "say no to drugs" campaign. He still thinks he is living in that era.
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