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How many plants is that?
Thanks @Samwell I do have 4 autopots in there and center is a solo cup growing.
I am always hearing that different strains affect different people different and I believe that based on my experience. Indica's are supposed to relax and mellow you out and they do me once I get used to one but if I am ever gonna have an anxious moment it is after smoking an indica just about always. Sativa's on the other hand mostly make me giddy and at ease and a laugh factory. Go figure???

After reading this, ANQ might not be the best choice for is certainly a heavy indica
@912GreenSkell I'm one of those "lazy " growers you refer to. But when It comes to the growing of cannabis I came with the preconceived idea that all you had to do was buy some seeds and stick them in a pot of soil . Little did I know it was a little more complicated . I did little or no research right from the beginning . Personalities enter into the equation as well . I'm a doer not a reader and have a very short attention span . Reader's Digest is a long read for me . My learning has for the most part been trial and error mostly error and it's expensive . My grows do not stack up to many of the grower's here and the learning process has had many twists and turns but I wouldn't trade it for anything and the knowledge I have picked up along the way will stay with me for a long time . Who knows I might even get good at it . :pighug:

We are not all that different bud....I learned through my own trial and error through 25 years of throwing plants in the ground. The things i write, I write through my own personal experience, not through research of second hand theoretical information.
Trust me man, if you guys saw my first few seasons of growing you would either laugh, cry, or attempt to help!

There is nothing at all wrong with taking steps on your own. Its the lazy ass that refuses to do anything but contact hard working growers and bombard them with questions that are already answered in a detailed form, that irritate me!
I'm sitting here frustrated with the slow wifi connection while I'm switching around cell phones and updating them to their new numbers.

Until last year i was stuck with dial-up internet!! Talk about frustration!!

I could have gotten high speed....if i thought $150 a month for 20 gigs of data was a fair deal.....gasp!!!!!!
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