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let's fast forward a couple months, ok? I'm out of firewood...View attachment 880447
let's dwell for a while!. was out of FW yesterday. My only neighbor stops by, goes home with 2 pks of wine yeast, a big bag of cookies right out of the oven from sharon, comes back with a big load of fire neighborhood rocks!
Mmmmmmmmm savage beauty!! Love it!! This pic take a few days ago...ahh speaking of guys know how close we were to being not able to fish on out trip??(or at least it being wayyyyyyyyyy more work to get a hole drilled) 4 fucking inches!! 3.5 feet of ice almost tapped out the gas auger!! Auger extension is on the list for next year!!!
View attachment 880448
I can feel this pic!, 3.5 ice!, guess it was safe:headbang:
let's dwell for a while!. was out of FW yesterday. My only neighbor stops by, goes home with 2 pks of wine yeast, a big bag of cookies right out of the oven from sharon, comes back with a big load of fire neighborhood rocks!
Hey send that neighbor my way hehe. Gonna be slim here until we can use the road. The beach is all cleaned up and the in surrounding woods,it's getting farther away and lesser quality. There's always just a little more though.
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