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It's going to be one of those day's !!!! I have attempted to re box this heating pad and send it back to Amazon and each time I've forgotten something 3rd time is a fix . :rofl:

Time to get back to basics. KISS method. Remember how many plants you grew without the bells and whistles. Damp paper towel in a baggie, A cup of Jiffy or other iight starter mix, minimal watering, until you wet the mix well for cohesion when it leaves the cup and transplant it after the first trues are mature. Or something resembling this.
Question for who grow autos outside...I have been eyeballing a spot for a guerrilla stays pretty moist/wet ..not supersaturated but dig down maybe 18 inches and you can see water fill in. Any autos do well with that, or should I find higher ground?
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