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I made a gravity bong out of a 5 gallon water jug once. It ate a whole 1/4 oz of weed in one pull. Good for a party sized gravity toke.
...we made one of my exes puke with something like that, Except it was a 3 liter Faygo bottle in a 5 gallon bucket with a huge socket as a bowl.
She took most of the hit at once, believe it or not... Aaannnddd then came a cough...and then the Linda Blair style projectile vomit...

She never smoked with us again unless it was a bowl, blunt, or joint.
Here's the other part of the equation that puzzled me ?? What would Bayer want with Monsanto ??

For one thing, Bayer is HUGE in the herbicide and pesticide industry. They own patents for a ton of things, and M'Santo wants to find the next round up ready gene scenario.

talk about scary. The biggest genetics and poisons company merges with a top 5 pharma and poisons company. a "Marriage made in Washington."
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Morning AFN..back to the grind, a little sore after ripping up 1100 sq/ft of carpet, padding and strips. But, its done. Floor goes down 2nd week of April. You all have a good Monday.!

Congrats on the preliminaries. A new floor makes a huge change.
M'santo single handedly ruined the midwest. As of 2015 there was only one soybean seeder left in a 3 state swath. The last hold out guy operating his machine for farmers who wanted non-gmo soy. He's been sued out of business now.
This is vulgar :crying:
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