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Feeling the need to modify somthing..

I've got 2 blurple strips I wouldn't mind adding to this pitifully small tent but they will be too long.. will have to hack the sides..

And then deal with Mrs f6 having a conniption :nono:
Those red tails are cool, and yea don't mess with an Oscar!

My catty punches out of his wieght range.. goes the fang on anything in the tank!

Looking to get a trio of Siamese cattys, had some but poor buggers are a bit fragile and didn't survive last house move!
Waiting on the wife and son to get home with the new fish for my son's fish tank (2 african cichlids, 2 redtail sharks and iridescent shark)
I really miss my aquarium..... I wish I had room for a nice one here.
Cool story...

When I was about 30, and lived in a place big enough to house a decent sized aquarium, we bought this teeny albino frog from the local pet shop. No larger than your thumbnail. So we added it to the tank. After about a month, it grew to the size of your fist and had eaten pretty much half of every other living thing in the tank. This includes things like fresh-water crayfish.

So we called the shop and asked them what were supposed to do with this monster, and they told us that it turned out to be some banned species for import or something, and we were instructed to contact the game warden for disposal. Damn thing was insatiable when it came to food. Never seen anything like it. So to make a dull story even duller, the warden came by to collect it.
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