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it might be possible, temps should stay 65-70 if possible. Temperature is a primary factor in chemistry, and could influence both bacteria and nutrient form changes. You would see a pH change if it was a chemistry issue though.
WTF & you not even tell me. Oh the betrayal.
From what i read. Depending on why the seed is there. Might not be a good idea to grow.
At least with a crop. Could hermy or something and ruin your shit lol.
But i dont know
Lookin good, any fabricator should make you some baddass 1/4 or 1/2 inch steel plates for 50 bucks or so. Thats what I'd do. But you could recycle a few sheets of something for free maybe
They got the plates I need on amazon. As far as fab work. I’ll rent a drill press from the local hardware store & dilll & tap holes myself.
it might be possible, temps should stay 65-70 if possible. Temperature is a primary factor in chemistry, and could influence both bacteria and nutrient form changes. You would see a pH change if it was a chemistry issue though.
I hit mid 70s. 75 ish is the high.
Added extra air to compensate for the o2 loss from warmer temps.
So i didnt think that was the issue. Might be this bottle?
anyone seen the problem before? its only on a few of the leaves on one of my plants all the rest look perfect

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