For instance I’m experimenting a little with the fox farms trio, started nutes on day 3 with big bloom and calmag, 1tsp of big bloom of the recommended 4tsp and 1/4tsp of calmag our of recommended 1 tsp. I use this every other watering until this Friday which will be day 14 exactly and her next feed which I’ll bump up to 1.25tsp of big bloom and 1/2tsp of calmag. Use that feed for a week and then I’ll introduce a chemical fert (grow big) at 1/4 strength leaving everything else the same. I’ll use that feed a couple weeks then bump up the grow big to half strength and so on until the plant hits preflower at which point I’ll continue to use grow big, big bloom and calmag along with mammoth p for the first week or two then eliminate the grow big and just use big bloom, tiger bloom, calmag and mammoth p. It’s all about experimenting with what your plants can handle, they’ll tell you if they like it or not.