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this just so not right! If most folks were armed and dangerous what chance would craven criminals and bloated bullies have? Almost 0%. Protecting and defending yourself and yours IS your primary responsibility.

That the governments way of you know....showing how we canucks are humanitarians to the entire tying our balls behind our backs and allowing criminals to run rampant.
up here, mess with a person's stuff on their turf in a threatening way, byebye

And thats the problem here my often does it come to that? Not very often i bet, because people tend to have more respect when their life is potentially on the line. Here they know the worst thing to happen is they catch a beating(which would also get the guy thrown in jail) or get caught and go to jail.
A lot of farm land around where I live and its an old law for property and home defense. But as the times changed that law never did. So in other words, as long as you give some type of verbal warning and you fear for your property or life. By all means, that person is screwed. But in all actuality, this hardly ever happens (due to better response times by emergency services). Plus it gets kind of scary, everyone around here has fire arms.
Now for scary law enforcement, its not the fuzz. but wildlife. these guys are insanely powerful. you do something wrong(somthing small)- popo- usually fines, tickets, jail if its bad enough. wildlife- you do something wrong (like fish size). They have the power to take all your gear, your catch or all of your catches, get fined and then on top of that is the popo side. More fines, could be jail time, court fees. With no hope of gear return after all is settled.

So in turn. I make sure I have all my ducks in a row so to speak. It only takes an extra few minutes to be good to go for the fishing/ hunting days.
Now for scary law enforcement, its not the fuzz. but wildlife. these guys are insanely powerful. you do something wrong(somthing small)- popo- usually fines, tickets, jail if its bad enough. wildlife- you do something wrong (like fish size). They have the power to take all your gear, your catch or all of your catches, get fined and then on top of that is the popo side. More fines, could be jail time, court fees. With no hope of gear return after all is settled.

So in turn. I make sure I have all my ducks in a row so to speak. It only takes an extra few minutes to be good to go for the fishing/ hunting days.

OH the fish cops....they mean business here!! I had, no shit they fly over me in an airplane last year when i was out in the middle of nowhere fishing(and i mean nowhere....3 hour drive from any real population), and the next day they cam ripping across the ice in their snowmachines to check us out hardcore.....but we werent doing anything wrong....LOL
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