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I was subbed to a thread that a guy was growing an Auto Ultimate. I meant "Big Bertha".
theyre crazy plants to grow like. the growth rate is insane. mire you abuse them the faster they grow. shit just starts popping out everywhere. i tried to lollipop one and everything just grew back twice over. done 3 of them so far and all 49 day vegged and 108 chop under 19/5. loved every minuit of it : ) almost lol.
theyre crazy plants to grow like. the growth rate is insane. mire you abuse them the faster they grow. shit just starts popping out everywhere. i tried to lollipop one and everything just grew back twice over. done 3 of them so far and all 49 day vegged and 108 chop under 19/5. loved every minuit of it : ) almost lol.
If I remember correctly (have to go check the members thread) but he had a time trimming.
theyre crazy plants to grow like. the growth rate is insane. mire you abuse them the faster they grow. shit just starts popping out everywhere. i tried to lollipop one and everything just grew back twice over. done 3 of them so far and all 49 day vegged and 108 chop under 19/5. loved every minuit of it : ) almost lol.

agreed...ultimates are insane in any climate...highly recommend for a new grower.
Last nights sampler..., still had some left from last night and omg! I just took one bong rip and I’m feeling it! She’s a quick hitter!!!
Is that the place where they have the rattle snake hunt festival?

Like the whole town does it for population control. so they built a festival out of it.
Yes! And it’s a blast!!! Nothing like the rush facing potential death in the eyes and coming out on top!!!
xmas this weekend.....after it simmers down I am gonna get out there and get some holes drilled!!
Nice, I am currently getting my gear ready for winter fishing on the lake. Some of mine and my dads stuff was stolen from the house, gotta get more tackle gear and rods. Drug addicts (harsh drugs) run rampant around hear. A lot like those damn rodents in the fields. And they live in a nice area of town where nothing really happens.
Yes! And it’s a blast!!! Nothing like the rush facing potential death in the eyes and coming out on top!!!
Thats one of those bucket list things for me to do. I remember seeing a documentary about vicious snakes, there was a section about rattlers and this place, and the festival. Some of the food looked crazy good, and made with rattlers.
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