and some local news in Northern Ireland
thursday 25th
The think-tank Volteface are going ‘on the road’ around the UK to share their policy insights and learn more about the local contexts that influence and shape drug policy. The first stop is Ulster University where Paul North @Paul__North and Lizzie McCulloch @mccullochlizzi1 will be talking about their recent reports on Cannabis before taking part in a panel debate alongside author and Head of Lifestyle Economics at the Institute of Economic Affairs Chris Snowdon @cjsnowdon, Dr Gillian W Shorter a Senior Researcher in Addictive Behaviours @gwshorter, and someone with lived experience of using cannabis.
Since forming in 2016 Volteface has established an impressive repertoire of work. Their reports have been covered by the UK and international media, and been used by MP’s in Parliamentary debates on drug reform. Their messages are evidence based, thought provoking, and progressive. Come along, get involved, and tell us what you think.
[HASHTAG]#voltefaceotr[/HASHTAG] [HASHTAG]#voltefacebelfast[/HASHTAG]
The session will commence with a brief outline of Volteface, how think tanks generally work, and the model Volteface use to influence drug policy in the UK. Paul will discuss his report Street Lottery which examines the impact cannabis has on consumers mental health. Liz will outline the findings from her report Black Sheep which explored the state of drug treatment in relation to cannabis. This will be followed by an outline of the state of cannabis use in Northern Ireland using recent FOI requests, and treatment data.
The debate:
With the context in mind, the panel will discuss with the audience how we could reform policy to tackle the problems identified in both reports. We will discuss issues such as
Should cannabis should be legalised?
Who might have the responsibility to regulate cannabis?
What are Northern Ireland’s ambitions for cannabis reform, if at all? What is the ideal? What might be practically possible?
Whatever your views, liberal, conservative, pro-legalisation, anti-legalisation, unsure, come along and have your say.
Running Times
1800 - Arrival and drinks
1830 - Presentations from Paul North and Liz McCulloch
1900 - Panel debate on legalisation of cannabis
1945 - Q+A
2000 - Close