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yep, its why I use bricks/bales. Here's something worth a try ( try it on one plant first.. ) mix 70% Isopropyl with and equal amount of water and spray daily till they are gone. Now using it on the pot... I don't know, but the alcohol evaps quickly, so it should be ok. I know for a fact it works to spray the plants with. One does of Captain Jacks and 2 weeks daily spraying and I'm not seeing one damned spidermite! Now using it weekly and will for the next 3 months. hopefully this will totally eliminate them from my indoor grows. They have no defense as the alcohol dehydrates the little terrorists......
yeah, that pot will be out any day now, so just matter of keep spraying the tops of other plants so once that fabric one comes out the problem will clear up quickly after...they won;t have anymore place to lay eggs...I wish I could capture it on camera for people to actually see... you know I'm anal about keeping clean grow room and all so everything always right back to them 2 fabric pots.. I'm done using them after this, thats for sure... I like the nursery pots the best anyways, for coco it works very good keep damp little longer..
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well from the simple read over and look on the plants.I would have to say its as dual issue which ios fairly common. most use bottle ferts n things and add said soil with this or that.but many look at a buffering capacity. Lime,gypsum,Bokashi and composts n things. that and/or the bottled ferts were stupid potent or maybe not good. . ? bottle feeds arent really my strong suit but thats what I see,. if its not organic I really cant help that much,sorry broham!

Not a problem. Iam just going to soak this whole pot in a 5g bucket with PH'd 6.2 water for a couple hours, then do a flush again and let her hang and drain...and just go from there.
thats one way. but if you have nothing to hold the PH.ok, you have say a PH issue lets it keeps dipping or rising whichever. PH water will fix the issue temporarily typically if its nasty. thats where the top coating with a Lime buffer comes into play with a decent PH watering regime to help it alone until the top coating takes effect in a few days or so. anywho, best of luck to you bro!
bro it's horrible, coz the damn material is perfect breeding ground once they develop remember I started my grow way back in sept, and it didnt start getting cold until late dec, so they attached themselves to the fabric part of them two pots and I tried everything to rid them, I haven't stopped trying to rid them.. but it's only the fabric they living on...
Have you tried top dressing with a small amount mosquito pellets? It worked for me. They disappeared after just 3 or 4 days.
Have you tried top dressing with a small amount mosquito pellets? It worked for me. They disappeared after just 3 or 4 days.
I guess if they were on top then that would help, but since they attaches to the outside of fabric. that way doesn't seem like it would be helpful.. I even been spraying the pots, I tried even letting them dry out.. nothing working and was only them 2 out of 6..
my Purple Amnesia

Purple Amnesia pic1 -1-1-2018.jpg
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