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hhhmm. damn
bro it's horrible, coz the damn material is perfect breeding ground once they develop remember I started my grow way back in sept, and it didnt start getting cold until late dec, so they attached themselves to the fabric part of them two pots and I tried everything to rid them, I haven't stopped trying to rid them.. but it's only the fabric they living on...
well from the simple read over and look on the plants.I would have to say its as dual issue which ios fairly common. most use bottle ferts n things and add said soil with this or that.but many look at a buffering capacity. Lime,gypsum,Bokashi and composts n things. that and/or the bottled ferts were stupid potent or maybe not good. . ? bottle feeds arent really my strong suit but thats what I see,. if its not organic I really cant help that much,sorry broham!
I didnt mean it as negative my man. Just meant it as the fabric pot is not the source. All i was getting at is eliminate source and the wont utilise the breeding ground.

Which i cant argue damp fabric will harbor some shit haha. That is true. But avoidable.
In your case by using something else. Lol.

Was not meant to down play you or anything. You know your shit. No one is questioning that my man.
I know the fabric not the sorce, but it's what is keeping them alive was my point, they not on any other plant's like the nursery pots, because they can't breed to the sides on them type, but fabric stays damp, I tried everything... It really not matter how they got in, the problem is trying rid just off the sides of them two plants, well one now.. I spray every single day, nothing helping to kill them.. I wasn't trying be an ass or anything but I just think everyone missing point is they impossible get rid of once they are there, I know they got in somehow, conditions were good for them up until mid-nov coz of outside temps, point is they really only attached to fabric and nowhere else in tent...
tossing more stuff at it isnt always the way to fix issues. sometimes it is,but often with bottled feeds it starts and the soil level unless it over or under fed.this looks more of a PH issue but again,not my strong suit. got a top coating with a Lime buffer for adjustment?
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