Harvest & Curing Cured too late

Mar 26, 2017
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Hi guys!

So I'll cut to the chase: I think I cured too late. I dried for 5 days and by the time I got it in the jar they were at 54% humidity, I left the lid on for a few days and the humidity steadily rose to 57% but...yeah.

What's should I do? Is the ferts and nutes and shit still there? Is it even smokeable?

If your jars have the room, you could toss in fresh leaf, an apple slice, orange or lemon rind for a couple hrs... any fertz that were there @ harvest are there, those don't go away with dry/curing the product. Your trying to get rid of the clorophil taste and smell... it smells like hay.
If your jars have the room, you could toss in fresh leaf, an apple slice, orange or lemon rind for a couple hrs... any fertz that were there @ harvest are there, those don't go away with dry/curing the product. Your trying to get rid of the clorophil taste and smell... it smells like hay.

that's another thing, mine didn't smell like hay while drying, and it still doesn't. maybe it will later? I'll try the lettuce thing if not for a little while, thanks.
that's another thing, mine didn't smell like hay while drying, and it still doesn't. maybe it will later? I'll try the lettuce thing if not for a little while, thanks.
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boveda make many rh packs,have seen a few vids and read bits and bobs that some cannafisciados prefare the 58% packs.
your weed is fine,maybe even lovely in a month or so.curing is an age thing like wine,not 30 years like a month is fine for cure.
boveda make many rh packs,have seen a few vids and read bits and bobs that some cannafisciados prefare the 58% packs.
your weed is fine,maybe even lovely in a month or so.curing is an age thing like wine,not 30 years like a month is fine for cure.
i love you lol you always make me feel so much better with my questions lol