CFLs have an internal ballast build into them. It does take a few minutes for them to full light up. Often the intensity is not as strong until they do.
I like Snowryder and have done several grows of it outdoors. Not the most stable strain, showing about 3 different phenos. But it's a pretty descent producer and a good indica stone. Under a 400 watter I'd expect you should get 30-40 grams, maybe more with good growing techniques.
30-40g drid good conditions a plant? remember im using 7L Square pots. is that a good estimate? hows the smoke? taste and last? :} would love information.. thanks a bunch.. i just got my hands on a fill for my personal stash. some wierd cross of NL#5 - with some sort of widow. but it has some seeds in it.. still tastes THE SAME as amsterdam NL buds... also looks and smells the same... still great stuff..
Very important questions!:
I just noticed a wierd thing about SnowRyder#2 [which is the biggest and most developed atm ] his stem is "Breaking" open on one side and showes greener stem, is this normal? does it means my plant thickens or I have A serious issue?
I went to the shop today and the salesman told me I was using too high pH on my waterings [6.6-6.8] was what I gave them till now, he told me to use 6.0-6.2 since im using soil... anywho... is that true?
also bought a humidifier with a timer that turns for 15min an hour is that good? it is in the side of the cabinet and blowing the cold steams onto the intake fan that is directed to the plants so basically the steam is going to the fan and blown towards the plants. is that good?
4. my temps are 23c-26.5c constant is that good? what is ideal? where am I starting to affect my growth\yield negativley?
5. tommorow I am feeding with 1L of water each [7L pots] with:
2ml\L BioGrow
2ml\L BioHeaven
0.5ml\L Alg-A-Mic.
Water Amended with oxygen stone with air pump pH'ed to 6.2, is that correct and good to do? is that enough water for 3 lill' snowryders in them 7L pots? [1L Each]
sorry for all the questions, IDK if it is even appropriate to ask so many in my log but.. oh well.. I hope you guys help me get my goal of a successful first grow!.
Give a Thumbs up for a huge pic update! =]
P.S During editing of this post I got sober from all the Northern Lights I've been tokin' on tonight and just realized how much I digged you all in the head.. sorry 'bout that.. but oh well.. were all stoners.