New Grower Cupcake's , Snowryder & AutoAK47 - Grow Log.

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Hey fella's this is my first grow, im using a closet I built, lists as follows:

using 400watt MH\HPS lamp in a cooltube.
using BioBizz nutes with a lightmix which have barely no nutes, im going to be feeding manually with each watering in smaller dosage.

at the moment we stand here:
began germination at 3:34pm November 10th.
Yesterday after about 44 hours all seeds broke and the taproot was visible. all were picked by clean tweezers and planted into the light mix in small yogurt cup size containers... flushed the soil in the cups a night before planting the seeds and a few hours ago i sprinked them with pH'd water with less than half a ML of root juice.

for the moment their in a carton box under a 32w CFL 6500k in a propagator. the lamp is hanging in the box above the soil in the cups around 6-10 not really certain. they're heads haven't popped yet, is the light unnecessery or hurtful at this stage? please ideas?

images will be updated on "every other day" basis starting tuesday. atm, i could really use some commenting if putting them in a propgator in a box under 32w cfl is the correct thing to do at this stage, any help will be greatly appreciated.


New guy in the block,

Welcome to the forum. Are you totally new to growing or just to autos? If you're totally new it looks like you've done some homework. Congrats.

The light won't hurt but really isn't necessary until they break the soil. Those cups sound a little small. Most use something at least the size of a 16 oz. party cup or a small pot. I start mine in 4.25 square by 5" deep pots which are big enough for the first 3-4 weeks until the plants sex. You're probably going to have to transplant them within a week or so. Transplanting can slow or halt growth for a few days while the plants get used to their new environment, something you want to avoid if possible.
Welcome cupcake. How many plants you starting with? Just as muddy said you don't really need the light until the break the surface unless your using them to keep the soil warm and regulate temperature. The tap root will shoot to the bottom of that yogurt cup in no time and they will need a transplant fast. You really don't want to transplant autos much because any stunting of growth with autos will really hurt your yield. They have such a short veg time and you don't wantto effect that at all. I normally start mine in there final resting place and most people that do transplant start in a container big enough for them to make it to sexing which is 3-5 weeks old. Good luck on your grow bro and I'm grabbing a seat. Nothing like your first time man. Good karma sent your way
It is my first grow except a time when I grew for 2-3weeks in my attic, but yeah, I think I have more than 1500 reading hours, books +internet overall.. read the bible by cervantes, have 3 friends who grow outdoors till this day and one friend who is experienced somewhat in actual indoor growing, other than that its just pure interest of mine.

What do you think about the light? is it too close? or keep it that way? what kind of humidiy needs to be in the propagator, I sprayed the top with water to create high amount of humidity, it looks foggy so thumb up on that if its necessery like I think..

what do you think?

---------- Post added 11-13-2011 at 01:41 AM ----------

Welcome cupcake. How many plants you starting with? Just as muddy said you don't really need the light until the break the surface unless your using them to keep the soil warm and regulate temperature. The tap root will shoot to the bottom of that yogurt cup in no time and they will need a transplant fast. You really don't want to transplant autos much because any stunting of growth with autos will really hurt your yield. They have such a short veg time and you don't wantto effect that at all. I normally start mine in there final resting place and most people that do transplant start in a container big enough for them to make it to sexing which is 3-5 weeks old. Good luck on your grow bro and I'm grabbing a seat. Nothing like your first time man. Good karma sent your way

Welcome aboard my corner, kept a seat warm for the show, your name's on it! :} thanks for the wishes.. the end container is a square 7L,

i've started 5 seeds which have all germinated.. 2 auto ak47 and 3 snowryder from white label seeds from the sensi seeds shop in amsterdam centruum, it was my first time not to long ago.:]

do you think that when i see first set of leaves i should transplant into my final 7L? before the taproot reaches hard bottom?
Okay then, I'm going to move this thread over the the New Grower Forum.

The height should be fine. CFLs don't give off a lot of heat so can be very close the the plants. I've never had much luck with propagators. Always seemed I had too much humidity and the seeds rotted. I'm sure someone else with more experience will weigh in.
Okay then, I'm going to move this thread over the the New Grower Forum.

The height should be fine. CFLs don't give off a lot of heat so can be very close the the plants. I've never had much luck with propagators. Always seemed I had too much humidity and the seeds rotted. I'm sure someone else with more experience will weigh in.

Important thing, if anyone has any input on this please enlight us =], on the last time I germinated seeds on my last very short grow the propgator was actually helpfull it seemed.
I've never used one so you'll have to wait for someone with experience on that subject to chime in. I've heard and read of people using them and having success but I haven't a clue. I either germ and plant or just plant directly into soil. CFLs can be almost touching a plant 1-2 inches away while growing but since your haven't even popped yet you should be fine. The tap root shoots down looking for the bottom, when it hits bottom it basically knows what it has to work with and starts branching off and growing above soil. The first week is spent mostly on the root growth. I'm guessing a basic yogurt cup is what? 3 inches deep? You should be looking to transplant 5-7 days once it breaks the surface. I'm just guessing because I have never put a germ'd seed in a cup of that size but that should be a good guesstimate. Once you transfer transfer into your final destination. You do NOT want to transfer again. You figure your going to get a week out of the yogurt cup so no point in possibly stunting it once then doing it again when you only have 3-5 weeks before it sexes. Let it dig deep and grow and focus it's energy on growing and flowering and not repairing itself. Hope this helps cupcake and I'm sure some more people with prop knowledge will be here by Monday.
Thanks Cpt. as far as you say than, the humidity dome is useless? the moisture in the soil is enough to keep them seeds good in order to pop up? =]

Small edit:

going to sleep , when I wake up I'll post some pics of my setup and hopefully will see some heads popping for light.!

No I'm not saying it's useless I just don't have much knowledge in the subject. I know of people using them and having success. I just personally don't.
I placed my 5 seeds (3snowryders 2auto ak47) November 10th at 3:34pm and around 48 hours later they showed taproot so I took the cups with the light mix which I fully saturated with pH'd water over night before plants the seeds in the soil.
Now we are on November 13th on 11:24pm and still no heads poppin' theyr'e in a very humid non-heated propgator placed under a 34w CFL where near the soil the temp is around 25-26 C steady. I touched the soil, it feels moist but I wouldn't say SOAKED, is that OK? how long approx. till they need to pop up.

at what stage should I present them the 400w MH?

