Could be Leaf Septoria - possible spider mite - N def early suspected


Cultivators Club
Jan 23, 2019
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:shrug: I feel a fool, i should have culled the old tomato bushes near the girls, or could be present in the old create, but the 2 big sativa girls have been left out in the rain etc, to grow with natural light, due to their long flowering period

I was lightly feeding with synthetic nutes, and then decided to top the soil up around the girls with soil from the bag, i also added neem meal and kelp to the soil NPK 514.

The Aussie Sativa, she had leaf curl and yellowing at the base that seemed to move up, so when i saw that i thought, it could not be N def, but then N def can make them prone to this yellow leaf fungus, well i read anyway. Dr Grinspoon is much the same. lovely big plants - testing out my new height extensons

Assume white spots are spider mites, not that i see much underside, but only a few bugs ? big white spot on the leaf - Leaf Septoria?



above almost sure is leaf septoria - i have copper spray left somewhere down back if need


slight fade and yellowing in leaves - fans?

tip burn nutes? excess white markings - leaf setoria?

Almost forgot - Australia - Summer, had wet weather recently and very humid conditions - had the same issue last year with the Aussie Sativa one got done, starting to suspect the create, as is always moist under it
It looks like they are running out of nutrients to me? @Waira the white spots have me puzzled. Is there a small insect down under we don't hear much about? With that much damage you would surely see spider mites if they were there.
It looks like they are running out of nutrients to me? @Waira the white spots have me puzzled. Is there a small insect down under we don't hear much about? With that much damage you would surely see spider mites if they were there.
Thanks MOG :pass: Ive been pretty light on them but gave them each water, i thought it was nute excess due to leaves curling up at the tip, but could have been some lockout? maybe

I saw a few not much insects under the leaves i checked, has been windy so maybe they have been blown away (lol i wish ). Here is a tip shot,, looks like nute burn, but yes in the past i used high N organic fish and kelp. The Neem/Kelp topdress is only N5 1 4.


few pests.jpg

NImbin stems, appear purple, not sure if thats normal, could be with the strain
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Yes I believe that is a spider-mite and that explains the white spots. They hate wind and that may be helping keep the numbers down. The biological weapon I like is Spinosad.

You may have had too much Ammonium Nitrogen at some point. The tip burn is a calcium lock-out usually caused by too much N. Other stuff can cause it as well. I just think the plant looks hungry from the light colors of green and mottled pattern of green colors in the overall plants. The thing is I do not know what would work best for you if you are trying to stay organic? Waira just went through this recently and he may have some informed ideas.
Yes I believe that is a spider-mite and that explains the white spots. They hate wind and that may be helping keep the numbers down. The biological weapon I like is Spinosad.

You may have had too much Ammonium Nitrogen at some point. The tip burn is a calcium lock-out usually caused by too much N. Other stuff can cause it as well. I just think the plant looks hungry from the light colors of green and mottled pattern of green colors in the overall plants. The thing is I do not know what would work best for you if you are trying to stay organic? Waira just went through this recently and he may have some informed ideas.
Thanks MOG and @Waira

I will see what i have here, i have to go to out but i have some figures from the EC meter and PH probe, i wont be using this soil anymore going back to organic after this

EC for Nimbin plant 0.7 26c brown coke colour, smell not sure but not off like root, maybe
PH 4 readings approx 20mins after 1 litre of water to wet soil
5.8, 5.8.5,9 and 5.5 so under 6?

5.5,5.4,5.5,5.2 - not sure if meter issue or those figures look like N lookout zone
EC 0.6 25.5c coke colour, smell soily not like rott

Maybe A N, and tip burn hope the leaves will not die as she will have not much left, only on her tips the Nimbin

Update = added a few handfull dolomite lime around pot and worked into soil light water since had water this morning and are out in the rain, the poor girls, rain might help flush, look into getting a clear tarp tomorrow for the sat girls, hope wont get root rott but canopy drip line is mostly over pot so, should not accumulate much and sure rain will do them some good, will lift PH over 6, could be a PH lockout but also could be build up of salts from the bloody powefeed wont use it again
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:doh: I missed the tags, apologies mate!

Nimmy is a true landrace, I suspect she's quite nute sensitive, but it doesn't look like anything along those lines, maybe just the opposite... top-botton overall pale color smacks more of S defc., typically that shows worst on tops but not always...
pH is a little low, but not bad,... S does lock out under acidic pH but yours isn't low enough IMO, so maybe a simple lack-of deal here.. You can do a epsom salt foliar spray for a MgSO4 boost- :thumbsup: about one level 1tsp/L, with wetting agent/castille soap to make it coat and stick better, tops and bottoms especially for leaves... best done out of direct Sun until dry... I leave it sit to dry, then respray with plain low ppm water to redissolve and get more in there. Remember, more stomata on on the undersides of the leaves vs. topside!
I see thrips/larvae signs, not mites in those pics, far too large to be mites, wrong shape too... They poke and suck juices leaving open spots for opportunistic fungal attacks, I think that's what's up with the necrotic spots...
Red stem streaks may be normal expression, but it also comes with underfeeding sometimes,... does the main stem show it too?
Wet humid, hot, all make for lousy VPD, but the Nimmy is adapted to that better than most!

GS is low on pH for sure, might be some lockout happening now,...
Sure looks like some N defc. to me mate, always lowers first and worst! Might be underfed as well, some S defc. too,...
....tell me about the Powerfed, NPK#'s and dosage, etc.,... kinda thinking it's not the culprit?

Did you get a recommendation from @hecno for micronutes? If you have kelp, add that into the foliar spray, and any humic-fulvic you have too, they work better together! Dose the soil with kelp/humic-fulvic too...
The dolo', handfuls are too much if you are being literal! Is it nearly powder fine? It's not a disaster by any means, but the problem is it's marooned on the surface mostly, slow to dissolve and penetrate deeper to deal with acidic pH,... takes a while even as a powder, dolo' is the slowest acting form of lime....
Old Mate @smokeyfromau , I don't know about synthetic nutrients . Why did you do it . :shrug: You asked questions about or organic and was told ,
The problem with Australian synthetics is a lot of it is made in China . Bunnings and all the mob is what they sell --- cheap --- I agree with M.O.G

Dolomite is a waste of time at this stage -- To slow -- This is better ,

But remember this is faster . but still takes time - Mites - This will make a hell of a lot of deference -

This comes from soluble pot ash . So now you have to look up silica to under stand, So make a spray up and spray the under and top side with silica , and they won't like it . :cuss: Ya plants do . :biggrin: Foliar spay only once every 2 weeks . if you spend the time to study Silica you will be happy you did . By the way I do not work on PPM or CE - not need to . You are better off now using them as you come to rely on them . and when there is a problem you don.t know what it is , Balance is the problem here , -- Copper spray -- Think about it , This is how far apart we are and I mean that by no disrespect mate , :thumbsup:


This is 2 days ago , Remember the picture I put up a while back about Australian nutrients And god dammed Tomatoes - Bugger - bet you don't do that again . Balance form the soil up . ---- Know your inputs and what they do --- and you will be a happy little vegie mite . :biggrin:
:doh: I missed the tags, apologies mate!

Nimmy is a true landrace, I suspect she's quite nute sensitive, but it doesn't look like anything along those lines, maybe just the opposite... top-botton overall pale color smacks more of S defc., typically that shows worst on tops but not always...
pH is a little low, but not bad,... S does lock out under acidic pH but yours isn't low enough IMO, so maybe a simple lack-of deal here.. You can do a epsom salt foliar spray for a MgSO4 boost- :thumbsup: about one level 1tsp/L, with wetting agent/castille soap to make it coat and stick better, tops and bottoms especially for leaves... best done out of direct Sun until dry... I leave it sit to dry, then respray with plain low ppm water to redissolve and get more in there. Remember, more stomata on on the undersides of the leaves vs. topside!
I see thrips/larvae signs, not mites in those pics, far too large to be mites, wrong shape too... They poke and suck juices leaving open spots for opportunistic fungal attacks, I think that's what's up with the necrotic spots...
Red stem streaks may be normal expression, but it also comes with underfeeding sometimes,... does the main stem show it too?
Wet humid, hot, all make for lousy VPD, but the Nimmy is adapted to that better than most!

GS is low on pH for sure, might be some lockout happening now,...
Sure looks like some N defc. to me mate, always lowers first and worst! Might be underfed as well, some S defc. too,...
....tell me about the Powerfed, NPK#'s and dosage, etc.,... kinda thinking it's not the culprit?

Did you get a recommendation from @hecno for micronutes? If you have kelp, add that into the foliar spray, and any humic-fulvic you have too, they work better together! Dose the soil with kelp/humic-fulvic too...
The dolo', handfuls are too much if you are being literal! Is it nearly powder fine? It's not a disaster by any means, but the problem is it's marooned on the surface mostly, slow to dissolve and penetrate deeper to deal with acidic pH,... takes a while even as a powder, dolo' is the slowest acting form of lime....

:pass:Hey @Waira Thanks mate, that is fine, just feel stupid wished i didnt use the powerfeed, not much info on their website in terms of specs, as as @hecno said its not organic but what they call organic based, some part of it is. I was very ligthly feeding with the watering if the powerfeed, which a full dose is N 14 P 2 K 8, i was going 1/4 caps.

Gave the girls a foliar was epsom salt with yates natures way insecticdal soap then once dried a mist of water from the hose. I plan to water tomorrow. The insecticidal soap may have smothered a few of the pests while it was drying.

Nimmy she may pick up with her S in a few days time. I thought the leaf curl up was N look out, still a few yellow leaves and burnt tips. No red on the main stem, could be the usual thing for Nimbin

Grinspoon, she has lost a few more leaves, she has canoeing downards on some leaves, i think this is N or maybe dry or something else. I will have to travel up northern part of the city to get the Fish and Kelp, Bunnings only have 5in1, which i do have on hand, but the Fish and Kelp have a higher N, 10 rather high for an organic.

Yes i have humic and fulvic acid which Hecno mentioned to get before. Dolomite is very fine powder but slow i think Richgro said that when i wrote to them. I need to get a few things for the girls

Also spread a while back neem and kelp meal on top of the soil and worked in and added more soil to the top

Old Mate @smokeyfromau , I don't know about sycntheti nutrients . Why did you do it . :shrug: You asked questions about or organic and was told ,
The problem with Australian synthetics is a lot of it is made in China . Bunnings and all the mob is what they sell --- cheap --- I agree with M.O.G
View attachment 1291122
Dolomite is a waste of time at this stage -- To slow -- This is better ,
View attachment 1291124

But remember this is faster . but still takes time - Mites - This will make a hell of a lot of deference -
View attachment 1291125
This comes from soluble pot ash . So now you have to look up silica to under stand, So make a spray up and spray the under and top side with silica , and they won't like it . :cuss: Ya plants do . :biggrin: Foliar spay only once every 2 weeks . if you spend the time to study Silica you will be happy you did . By the way I do not work on PPM or CE - not need to . You are better off now using them as you come to rely on them . and when there is a problem you don.t know what it is , Balance is the problem here , -- Copper spray -- Think about it , This is how far apart we are and I mean that by no disrespect mate , :thumbsup:
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This is 2 days ago , Remember the picture I put up a while back about Australian nutrients And god dammed Tomatoes - Bugger - bet you don't do that again . Balance form the soil up . ---- Know your inputs and what they do --- and you will be a happy little vegie mite . :biggrin:

Hey @hecno :pass:Thanks mate I know i feel stupid now for just using the powerfeed :nonono:as it was just sitting there, i am gonna chuck it i think. Yuck Chinese ingredients maybe plasitcs in it or excess salts which cause lockout. I think that Bat Guano has a tiny bit of silica in it i think. I was trying to find that one at Bunnings online the Eco Dolomite and agian just used what i had on hand. :sadcry: and messed up the poor Sat girls. Thanks Hecno mate, that is fine, i was a fool not listening to you, when you know about this bunnings stuff, i was stupid trying to use the powerfeed as it was there to use, didnt want to waste it, best chucked out. I need to get better with the nutes and the last time i touch that powerfeed, give it back to seasol. Copper Sprays? Igot one for fungi a copper spray.

I cant find the kelp at the PLant Doc on the Gold Coast, but they have this production from NTS

Where did you get yours NTS kelp from mate? Is that white stuff fungi ?

What i have now: and need to get
5in1 Searles
Fulvic acid
Humic acid
epsom salts
organic phosporus
oragnic potash
myc fungi
kelp hard pressed ( easy as organics)
neem meal ( from aqua garden )

need to get:
Fish and Kelp
Gogo Juiice (feed nice things in it)
Silica Powered
Kelp powder NTS ( maybe prove cheaper than the fish and kelp - runs out too quickly)
Charlie carp (oragnic one low in N) - ?
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I can't grow outdoors anymore. 2 years ago the wet simmer brought Septoria to my tomatoes. Came back this year, now I'm screwed. I can't very well did up all my garden and landscaping to get rid of it. Sucks...
I can't grow outdoors anymore. 2 years ago the wet simmer brought Septoria to my tomatoes. Came back this year, now I'm screwed. I can't very well did up all my garden and landscaping to get rid of it. Sucks...
Hey Deke, im a bit stoned, usually not as much relying lol anyway, yes :( what worried me the rotting tomatoes near the girls, as last year the Nimbins, one Nimmy had septoria, as it was a very wet period with big flooding. Shame about the pests that favour when we live in humid warm summers.

@Waira O I hope its not its not septoria, it had curling leaves but i do recall there was more spots and such, so not this time, but i do keep the copper spray handy if needed

Shed a few more yellow leaves since yesterday, maybe even since feeding today, maybe I over did it again with something.

I gave Nimmy 1 cap 5in1 ( dose for pots) and a little epsom salt, this afternoon since cloudy bit of potass soap for pests and humic fulvic LSD :rofl: (acid) jokes aside i got frustrated and sad about the girls, went to spit the dummy and throw the syn out, but didnt:rofl: bloody cheap skate i am

I gave poor Miss Grinner, whos feeling dimmer over me :nono:, 2 caps of 5in1 (one for big plants, but techically they are big plants 2meter)
little ep salt, humic, fulvic acid with scant ( should have used more) insecticdal soap this afternoon

Miss Grinner, her leaves seemed to respond to the wet down with water, but today they are the same again canoe down


MIss Grinner


Miss Nimmy