I know this analogy is used a lot but it's incorrect. Think of when you were a kid with a magnify glass, burning ants (or maybe I was the only one...). If you got too close, the light focus was off. You had to pull it away to get the light to focus to burn. Same with plants. The spotting leftover from water drops is from the salts/minerals in the water - think water spots left on an automobile. The water drops on the leaves evaporate, leaving behind the chem salts & other minerals. That 'residue' burns the leaves, causing the spots. Hate stepping on another Mod's advice, the advice was sound - just not the analogy.
Either way you don't want to mist your plants early in their light period. Better either before lights out or during lights out.
That's the important part to take away from Muddy's clear cut advice & my ramblin's