Below are two links: One is to a product for odor control and the other is a PDF file for an easy read about ozone in general. As you know, one plant in late flowering can permeate ones home with a wonderful bouquet. An aroma we relish but others may not; in addition, smell is a major security issue. Even with a MM card discretion is important. You can find the product at A-mazon by search--GT50. I will not include the link so that those searching for the product will not end up here. And A-mazon has many reviews of the product. It can be used in the spur of the moment by simply plugging it in for a short period of time or for long periods of time depending on your circumstances. One downside--it has a beach like effect while operating which dissipates when turned off. The level of ozone is low and can be adjusted. I think it will be a good deal for many. Let me know how it works. Just be advised the unit does produce a fresh bleach smell while on but it eliminates odors like a lighting bolt. Lastly, it is super small and plugs in to any outlet. Fits in hand.
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