Mephisto Genetics Cosmic Queens in not quite living soil

She is absolutely amazing! I know that @Mossy has talked about letting plants dry on the stem the same way, but I don't know how long she leaves them there.

What will this do to the soil ecology?
Good question! Since the change is going to be slow, the microbes will have ample time to switch into dormant forms, so they will come back when conditions consistently are good again. Alas, letting the soil dry up all the way means giving it a few weeks to wake back up later on, nematodes take the longest...

But for now, all that is moot - I discovered mites on the NLH spreading out from the other side of the closet, and when I went to inspect the CQ for colonization (which thank goodness hasn't happened), I found a whole lower branch of hers infested by aphids instead :yoinks:
It was the pepper plant. When I removed it I had checked Woozy thoroughly, and it seemed no one had jumped over yet. I was wrong :rolleyes2:
Everything has gotten sprayed down with my rapeseed oil solution, which I have found to be very effective for all kinds of crawly suckers, and a fan is running full blast to dry em back up as I type.

I'm thinking of neem oil or something similarly preventative for the NLH too.
But Woozy will have to go. I don't have any qualms spraying her once like this, but it would need repeats to keep any new generations at bay.
So day 108, here we come :amazon:
Luckily, only one branch is really affected, the thought of washing cropped up, but it will probably just end up in the hashpile. Other lower branches they were just beginning to spread out to will be a tweezers affair.

I'd really like to change the title of this thread to "Cosmic Queens in not quite living soil" - seriously, haha!
But it sure does go to prove that a bacterial dominated soil system isn't the place where cannabis is going to be devoid of all that kind of problem ;)
Good thing my year's focus is on composting anyway, definitely the first thing to get right!

I'd still really like to learn more about drying-on-the-stalk though @Mossy, as I loved the idea and still think the CQ could surprise us going this way!
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The Oaxacan-growing guys were talking about the how their plants changed in the course of finishing, how they loose the green, go red, then golden, losing all smell in the process.

Yeah...:headbang:...I've read it too....the golden has to be sun dried and losing all colour before they were harvested.
Mine..I have to admit were done by neglect...and I was going to dump them when I broke a bud off and the aromatics were Excellent....:smoker:..went through to the smoke taste too...

I Think I gained on my normal harvest taste....but that could just say a lot about my normal drying...:biggrin:

and was completely wowed at the painkilling effect! Sissi has a bit of that too, but this was something else - all my diverse aches were just gone.:jump:

Is she an afghan dominant...that sounds like my over amber pain-killing effect...Afghan dominant over amber is Much more effective that anything prescription...especially on nerve pain and deep muscle spasm.
Heya Mossy, thanks for stopping by!!
ohwow it's magic!! thanks again too! :eyebrows:

Yeah...:headbang:...I've read it too....the golden has to be sun dried and losing all colour before they were harvested.
Mine..I have to admit were done by neglect...and I was going to dump them when I broke a bud off and the aromatics were Excellent....:smoker:..went through to the smoke taste too...

I Think I gained on my normal harvest taste....but that could just say a lot about my normal drying...:biggrin:
Ah, neglect! lol
But that's probably how us humans discovered everything, from fire to planting seeds to medicinal properties of plants, happenstance and making "mistakes" :joy:
So you had just kind of stopped watering your plant then?

Is she an afghan dominant...that sounds like my over amber pain-killing effect...Afghan dominant over amber is Much more effective that anything prescription...especially on nerve pain and deep muscle spasm.
Ooo interesting!
I went back and checked the genealogical tree posted to the for one of the Cosmic Queen's parents - TGA subcool's Spacedawg
That strain has all sorts of illustrious names in its ancestry (many, sheez if not most, of which I've got on my "before I die I wanna grow...." list)! The landracey portion that made doing the slow finish feel right was this hazy branch of the family:
But lo! there are actually 2 tiny bits of Afghan background behind the Superskunk that is also in there! haha
So there we are! I really don't know enough about strains to evaluate whether it's this branch, or other ancestors are also contributing to that painkilling effect too ;)
Over amber?!
I just hate bugs! Been fighting gnats for months. My soil that's cooking is full of the little shits too.

I am glad Mossy answered your questions. She is certainly the one to know about these things. Thank you @Mossy!
Ah good thing this grow is over, looks like I'd do a really bad job of documenting now - I'm getting really busy with outdoor gardening, hunting for good compost, and setting up my own batches!
Sorry about the delay - here's the wrap up :D

so day 108 was harvest day
2018-03-23_day108 (1).JPG

2018-03-23_day108 (4).JPG

That lowest left branch, it was the main aphid-befallen one, the whole branch went into the freezer for hash, along with a few other lower buds that the aphids had swarmed out to. Also, we did a close trim. About a third of the trichome-heavy material is getting made to hash ;)

Main cola
2018-03-23_day108_1main (1a).JPG

2018-03-23_day108_1main (3).JPG

and a lower bud

I was surprised at the state of the trichs, lots milky and
some darkening, yes (and even some going black!?), but all in all I wouldn't have felt uneasy leaving them all the way
2018-03-23_day108_trichs (29).jpg

2018-03-23_day108_trichs (28).jpg

I made a little drying box for them, allowing them to at least dry a bit slower then it's been going the last few grows.
2018-03-23_harvest (1).JPG
The branches got hung inside, and under the hangers there was a little hammock made of mosquito netting for the smaller pieces
2018-03-23_harvest (1c).JPG

So they dried 6 days before getting jarred
2018-03-29_curebegin (2).JPG

45g final weight. I have yet to test smoke her - beyond the truly ripe budlets I harvested separately for that heavenly painkiller effect :jump:
2018-03-23_day108_ripebuds (4).JPG

Cheers! :jointman:
Ah good thing this grow is over, looks like I'd do a really bad job of documenting now - I'm getting really busy with outdoor gardening, hunting for good compost, and setting up my own batches!
Sorry about the delay - here's the wrap up :D

so day 108 was harvest day
View attachment 884514
View attachment 884515
That lowest left branch, it was the main aphid-befallen one, the whole branch went into the freezer for hash, along with a few other lower buds that the aphids had swarmed out to. Also, we did a close trim. About a third of the trichome-heavy material is getting made to hash ;)

Main cola
View attachment 884516
View attachment 884517
and a lower bud
View attachment 884518

I was surprised at the state of the trichs, lots milky and
some darkening, yes (and even some going black!?), but all in all I wouldn't have felt uneasy leaving them all the way
View attachment 884525

View attachment 884520

I made a little drying box for them, allowing them to at least dry a bit slower then it's been going the last few grows.
View attachment 884521
The branches got hung inside, and under the hangers there was a little hammock made of mosquito netting for the smaller pieces
View attachment 884522

So they dried 6 days before getting jarred
View attachment 884529

45g final weight. I have yet to test smoke her - beyond the truly ripe budlets I harvested separately for that heavenly painkiller effect :jump:
View attachment 884530

Cheers! :jointman:

:worship: I'd slap ya, but I got to spread it around. Real nice end product, pretty sweet macro's too. Hope that cures into some excellent pain meds! Really though, nice growing.:d5:
Great job. It's been a treat reading thru these pages and learning so much about your grow techniques. Your Queens Sissi & Woozy sure were different from the one I just harvested. It inspires me to grow another for sure.
:worship: :slap: :toke: