Mephisto Genetics Cosmic Queens in not quite living soil

Those two girls look fantastic ! Woozy is doing her rainbow impersonation
rainbow impersonation indeed!!! :crying:
"peachy" comes to my mind when I look at her tooo!

Are Woozy's buds dense/chunky? :drool:
well I wouldn't go so far as to call them that - especially since someone has revived my Sour Stomper grow thread and I was reminded of what dense and chunky really means lol
But she's definitely grown her buds more compactly than Sissi!
After finding Sissis final dry weight to be 85g, I'm not expecting more than 50g off Woozy for the moment ;)

rainbow impersonation indeed!!! :crying:
"peachy" comes to my mind when I look at her tooo!

well I wouldn't go so far as to call them that - especially since someone has revived my Sour Stomper grow thread and I was reminded of what dense and chunky really means lol
But she's definitely grown her buds more compactly than Sissi!
After finding Sissis final dry weight to be 85g, I'm not expecting more than 50g off Woozy for the moment ;)

No matter what we call her she is a lovely lady! 85 off is sissy is nice, should keep you in meds a while.

What do you have planned after this run?
No matter what we call her she is a lovely lady! 85 off is sissy is nice, should keep you in meds a while.

What do you have planned after this run?
Well if it were me alone..! but I'm taking care of a few other people too, so it gets tight fast :smoking:

After this run.....:hothot: comes 10-12 weeks of Northern Lights [HASHTAG]#5[/HASHTAG] x Haze flowering, beginning today, day 145 of her life:jump:
Some lst and topping took about 20cm off her height, so she's got more space for this final leg of her journey.

2018-03-03_day145_LST+switch (1a).JPG

She got spread to about 1.10m canopy width, leaving the remaining 40cm for Woozy.

Day 88
2018-03-03_day145_woozy88 (1).JPG

Instead of chopping, I'm doing an experiment and letting her finish niiice and slooow, like they do with the old landraces.:bow:
So she's still going to get watered,and can continue ripening as long as she likes - but on 12/12 lighting.

Lighting is set - 300W of COBs now, the middle two being citizens and would do better at 30-something watts than 50.. but then, so would the crees ;)

After the NLH, I'm thinking Trident, Sour Stomper, Crem de la Chem, and another Cosmic Queen, in that order, staggered a few weeks in between to get a steadier flow of meds going
probably going to change a few times before it's actually time to drop a seed again :p

Cheers! :jointman:
You have veged that one 145 days? Oh my, don't it get rootbound?

Nice lights! I like the cobs, I have 4 currently in use.
Thanks, I'm actually rather proud I got em all wired and mounted :cheers:

I know, 145 days veg, it's crazy lol and yes the amount of soil is totally disproportionate to the size of plant (why cutting her back was the responsible thing to do).
She can't go rootbound in the fabric pots, but she has grown a thick mat of rootlets upwards into the mulch layer, clearly showing me what she thinks of my "management" lol

I'm brewing an ACT as I type, I'm not happy with my VC but hey, better than nothing and I suspect the biology has dwindled again, she's been forming some ugly calcium-looking spots on her upper leaves, so I know nutrient cycling isn't working right. Hoping that getting some active biology in there will help her, even if it's theoretically way too bacterial for the flower stage...

I'm also honing in on my watering techniques, I think I need to water less and more frequently, keeping that mulch layer moistened so the microbes and worms can work it quickly. Punched some holes in the lid of a wide-opening plastic bottle and started using it for watering to get more of a trickle effect too. Liking the feel of that!

Cheers! :pass:
day 95 for Miz Woozy!

2018-03-10_day95 (1).JPG

2018-03-10_day95 (3).JPG

She's actually starting to densen up her buds a bit - here's her left main-secondary just for an impression:
2018-03-10_day95 (7).JPG

And her right main-secondary (for some reason I forgot to get pix of the main cola today? :LOLStoned:)
2018-03-10_day95 (6b).JPG

starting to foxtail some too
2018-03-10_day95 (12).JPG

Is it just me, or is she loading up on trichs even more
2018-03-10_day95 (8a).JPG

I'm not sure I'll really let her finish all the way anymore. The Oaxacan-growing guys were talking about the how their plants changed in the course of finishing, how they loose the green, go red, then golden, losing all smell in the process. Hm. For me, the aromas and smells of the Cosmic Queen are one of her distinctive traits, I don't think I want to lose all that. Also, it sounds hella strain-specific (or group of strains) and suspect it could not apply to the CQ at all.

On the other hand, watching Woozy progress I am getting the feeling Sissi was harvested waaay to early and actually would've benefited from another few weeks of ripening time. So I'm just going to let her go on, but not with the actual intention of leaving her til the bitter end.
That could take ages, I've been reading how actually having purer sativas indoors isn't so much of a problem when we have more of the blue spectrum in our lights - the blue accelerates flowering and finishing -- as the guys using the 10,000K lights for that will agree. But my lights are 3500K and I'm done messing with them for now :coffee2:

Meanwhile, her aromas are intoxicatingly strong, sweet and fruity, if anything., they've intensified over the past week.
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Hey @Dudeski! still on the fence about it haha
I took some pix on Sunday to show you where she's at, but got really busy so only getting to upload now ;)

So this was her 2 days ago, on day 103

2018-03-18_day103 (1).JPG

Note how the single lower budlets have gone dry and golden

2018-03-18_day103 (14).JPG

I picked a few of them off for testers,
2018-03-18_day103 (16).JPG

and was completely wowed at the painkilling effect! Sissi has a bit of that too, but this was something else - all my diverse aches were just gone.:jump:
I had started thinking of day 108 as a numerologically interesting date for chop, especially as I had started seeing a few rather dark trich heads, but that has swayed me again lol

I think I'm going to just let her dry on the stalk. I have been watering less, but now I'm just going to let the soil go to sleep.
So enjoy the pix, it's the greenest you'll ever see her anymore! :jointman:

MAIN cola!
2018-03-18_day103 (7).JPG

close up
2018-03-18_day103 (9) detail.JPG

And some last little foxtailings, here on the tip of one of the main secondaries
2018-03-18_day103 (5).JPG
