Mephisto Genetics Cosmic Queens in not quite living soil

Yeah another strain I definitely want to grow again, but that one's going to have to wait another while, my list is so long already and with the CQ and Creme de la Chem cutting in line.. :D
Say what have you got going at the mo?! I think I followed your sig-links a few weeks ago, landed in a gorgeous grow of yours - was it even your first! - but then got lost? lol

Thanks for your opinion! (also, it quite caters to my situation haha)

Yeah I don't actually look for ambers at all, besides so-called "true amber", which is largely strain-dependent AFAIK
I let a plant go too long on one of my first grows, the high was disagreeably numbing as opposed to buds from lower regions of the plant.

Usually I stalk trichs like crazy beforehand, but unless there's lots of dark ones all of a sudden, I usually end up harvesting when the magical day comes where I open the closet and - bam, plant looks ready! :yay:
I still have the Royal Queen Seeds going and at times it's seems like my first! On my second years worth of autos and finally stopped changing too much besides soil and lights, and feeding but nothing major :crying:

I like a sativa up buzz, couch lock and me don't agree. Skylar white put my ass on the floor, literally. Had to lay down, daym it was good. I like a little amber, maybe 5 percent. My first grow was beautiful but in my haste I cut them early so it wasn't good at all.

I have started reading and being more serious about soil, one reason I really enjoy your thread! I have no background whatsoever in botany. Couldn't really grow a decent tomato until I started using canna feeds in the soil. This year I hope for much better results.
I still have the Royal Queen Seeds going and at times it's seems like my first! On my second years worth of autos and finally stopped changing too much besides soil and lights, and feeding but nothing major :crying:

I like a sativa up buzz, couch lock and me don't agree. Skylar white put my ass on the floor, literally. Had to lay down, daym it was good. I like a little amber, maybe 5 percent. My first grow was beautiful but in my haste I cut them early so it wasn't good at all.

I have started reading and being more serious about soil, one reason I really enjoy your thread! I have no background whatsoever in botany. Couldn't really grow a decent tomato until I started using canna feeds in the soil. This year I hope for much better results.
haha nothing major :crying:
You just made me realize that with this grow I have embarked upon my third year at it, whereby, I did have half a year's pause when I moved house.
But by then, I was getting deep into the microbiology side of things, experimenting in my veggie garden, making my first thermal compost and learning tons from that by its failing :D
Looking forward to making a few more this year!

I really do think that the quality of the compost we bring into our systems is of the essence, and then finding adequate practices for maintaining the biology.
And that's it!:d5: lol
I'm actually studying to become a living soils consultant (and yes, thinking about how I can grow my weed more naturally got me on to it!! though to be fair, I was already into permaculture too), so I know the theory, have seen results in pictures and data too. But I will only truly believe it when I see it myself!

Thankfully, I've gotten a glimpse of the workings just recently when I fixed the NLH's initial nute balance issues with protozoa, not more nutes, as Tad from KIS organics was urging me to :p
And that while I was talking about microbial counts all the time so the biology kinda was in his face lol
He's a great guy, and most of what he says, his podcasts, are quite sound, but his advice showed me how his thinking is still chemical. ;)
So now, at least I know the concept of having the whole spectrum of microfauna present for plant health to be true :thumbsup:

I've also gotten to see the importance of maintenance when I checked on them last week and all populations were dwindling (above ground, the NLH was showing calmag-type distresss signals that I partly attributed to the proximity of the lights).
Where'd they all go?
For one, I had had tons of bacterial feeding nematodes in that soil, and now there were just barely normal numbers? But nematodes also wander, so I got thinking of how they could have wandered off to moister depths of the pot than the 10cm I had sampled from. I was giving that pot 2L of water daily, and the soil was lightly moist to the touch. Seems not moist enough, because when I decided to water to run off for a better feel of the situation, I had to pour 6L in to get the first tricklings going haha
So now I'm watering 4L every day, and lo, the spread of calmaggishness has stopped.Proper maintenance? :eyebrows:
Looking forward to seeing how the populations look in a few days, possibly they'll be a little more cheerful haha

But who can - or even wants to! - do this sort of dance, with microscopy and all, on a regular basis, just to get some plants grown?!
I posit that I only have it because my initial compost wasn't what it should have been - well yes, besides the fact that I'm exploring and learning too! :woohoo1:

LOL getting lost in the soil again. :frog:

Moving back above ground haha
What, there are other breeders beside Mephisto? lol
Yeah I really like the sativas too, I've thought of building reserves before growing out the CdlC so I don't run out of upbeat smoke haha
Though it IS also said indica doesn't necessarily mean couch lock - have you heard of that?
Maybe I should've harvested the Sylar White sooner, even while some of the trichs were still clear :shrug:
Maybe the chop haste of your first grow would actually have been perfect for an indica :jointman:
defo something to try out next chance I get!:smokeit:

Dutch Passion Auto Euphoria is one old school sativa. Fastbuds Mexican Airlines in another I really , really like! You can search seedbasnks for mostly sativa strains that's how I started looking for them. I never thought is very early Indica harvest, that's a great idea!

I have to think on microbes, that's a definite part of the life underground. Not enough coffee yet :coffee2:
Noted! :jointman:
I never thought is very early Indica harvest, that's a great idea!
yup will be trying it on the CdlC for sure when I grow her, probably in the course of this year ;)
I get the feeling Sour Stomper is going to be next up though (if I find the seed I still had haha), I'm dying to see how she does in the new setup!
Now that was an awesomely envigorating and cheering smoke too, and mmm grapesy! :D
day 66!

The day I said I was going to decide how to continue with the light times :D
I'm definitely going to let Sissi finish on 18/6 first.
Then start spreading out the NLH, and let Woozy finish on the side.
Probably not all the way on 18/6 -- but crossing that bridge when we get there ;)

Without further ado, her ladyships :jointman:

Queen Sissi
who smellswise is settling into a fruity haziness with a bit of badly washed motorcycle guys driving by occasionally lol
2018-02-09_day66_sissi (1).JPG

Main cola structure
yep, it's airy, I really want to go check on other CQ grown out and how their bud structure was (I have this suspicion it's actually a great adaptive strategy vs. molds at hi humidity? just a theory on the side ha)

2018-02-09_day66_sissi-main (1).JPG

Her Frostiness :bow:

2018-02-09_day66_sissi-main (4).JPG

And Queen Woozy
I took her out of the closet to get a better look at her, and she really does have the regal stature too!
Today, she added grapes to her basketful of fruitiness mmMMmm!

2018-02-09_day66_woozy (3).JPG
2018-02-09_day66_woozy (3a).JPG

Bud structure on the main
2018-02-09_day66_woozy (4).JPG

And a secondary branch
2018-02-09_day66_woozy (10).JPG

And some bud detail, again from the main and that secondary

2018-02-09_day66_woozy (7).JPG

2018-02-09_day66_woozy (11).JPG

Looking fantastic! Great descriptions too. Got me all giddy inside. Glad you got 2 phenos, both sound ridiculously good, and look frosty af. Fingers crossed I got woozy's pheno going in one of mine. Love the fruity ones.
Looking fantastic! Great descriptions too. Got me all giddy inside. Glad you got 2 phenos, both sound ridiculously good, and look frosty af. Fingers crossed I got woozy's pheno going in one of mine. Love the fruity ones.
Yeah I had to shower and change clothes after handling Woozy, felt all sticky and couldn't have left the house as I was! :yoinks:
I have this feeling I'm going to start :smokeit: before this grow is over LOL