New Grower Cosmic Charlie''s First Auto Grow Critical Jack (2) and StarRyder (3) In Soil 1000 Watt HPS

Heres one of my babies shes surfin the soil like the silver surfer

wk2 day8 002.JPG see buryed right up and in soil i ph to 6.5 but in coco i ph to 5.8 to 6, i think your ph might of been off as soil grows you ph to 6.5 normaly :peace:

No im doing coco this run but soil or coco same thing i still bury the stems, if they get lanky on you it gives them great support and use soil not coco

Im still quite new to growing once you start to get the feel of your plants it gets eazyer mate :peace:
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yeah I was on your thread earlier and saw that. YOur girls look great by the way!:clap: So have you been doing that for a while ? burying them up to there like that with no problems? If you have been doing that with success for a while now and no problems then I may have to do it... Do you do it in soil though or just with coco ? and also could I just go get some coco and put it on top ? Because I may switch to coco next grow anyways it seems cleaner and like I wont bring bugs into the room with it.... So I could just buy some coco put it over the top and then use that for my next grow...
My bad I just realized that is soil you have it buried with my bad... thanks
Sorry it has been a while since I have posted... All seems to be going well, other then still struggling with a low runoff . If anyone has any ideas as to how to get this up I would greatly appreciate the help . :toke: Anyway here are some pics from yesterday (day 19) . I think they look great other then a little nute burn ... not actually sure if you can see it in the pics. If anyone notices anything please let me know and as always any feedback is good feed back!


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I can't see anything amiss in the pics... I think you'll be fine if you keep your water and ferts in the right pH range before adding them to your mix... 1/4 to 1/2 strength on the ferts. :peace:
Thank you for your help! its been really weird cause they look and act fine... thanks again!
its been really weird cause they look and act fine... thanks again!
If they look and act fine, there's nothing wrong, IMO... I never worry about a problem that doesn't exist. :D
Lookin just dandy there JK dont know whats going on with my computer as i was looking for you there, as the above post did'nt show up on my settings and was subbed , anyhoo dont worry about hights just now as even mine are all over the place , if you look at some of my pics in the diary you'll see how i combat this by proping them up on lenghs of wood built jenga stylee

as said looking cock on buddie , nice one mate :peace:

Ps this is the calm before the storm JK , now let the fun begin :buds:
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