Mephisto Genetics Connoisseur Automatic's

Damp off got em dernit lol

Well as I kinda tried avoiding but ya can only do sooo much with a bucket full of water(sorta LOL)and a Damping off busted a move n its time for a RE DO MAN!! SO,

.Im running three seperate seedling mixes from my custom mix of the revs mellow mix,Black gold straight,and Black gold with my custom amendments.soo,looking forward to seeing them since my small test is over now its time to run these babies RIGHT guys,im needin to catch ya'll!!imma comin LMFAO"Bailers Booya" strong for what they endured so i feel confident in saying i wont bring up the rear too much.Thanks again ya'll! Mitch *hugz* dude,Thanks!strong frigin beans dude!!they can take an ass kickin thats for sure.As i said ive given my word to run these properly and thats going to happen until such time as i know100% if the cup is early for me or not.Enjoy.

OH almost fergots mang,buuut,Im using my newly re-amended and blended Rev's mix 2.1 master soil builders recipe thats been re worked once already and hopefully this run'll be better.okie dokie yo'zz


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Subbed up best of luck bro, sounds like some good parentage for sure!!
and these are moving too

Ok. I tend to see the same mutation twist n hole thing.kinda wild when its in essentially the same mix.they often tend to turn out great,I just find it kinda cool.Slow starters though.I had to re do the Auto Cush once after several days,and this time it took rather quick like the first time.3 for 3 the first time around..LOL figures! but they look healthy we'll see.Thank ya'll.:smoke:


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Glad to see you here EoF,

I hope you know that.

Good start you got here.

If you get a minute, check out my thread on "Dr. Earth" soil, to see if it is a brand you might consider. I am not selling, just seeking opinions.


Strangest thing EoF one of the two TDs I started did that exact same thing, one of the first leaves twisted up a bit and had a chunk missing from it. I attributed it to maybe a violent exodus from the shell but maybe there's another explanation.
Eyes on Fire is that the Sour Crack x Chedoggin on the first pic with the twisted leafes and the hole? If yes mine looked the same had root growth but stayed like this till toay day 14 and i took her out. Just wondering if this could be a genetical issue or from the batch of beans.
yeah usually doesnt cause an issue,jst kind makes the lowers look a little off for a bit unless the mutation spreads up then ya could be in for a fun branching ride..LOL! but ya wont know anything yet.i think it is the sour crack,but dont hold me to im looking forward to seeing if my re made soil is tooo hot..LOL! i hope not.

ya a hard life at start,always kinda passed my mind too.cuz I tend to poke em lightly n stuff to dislodge small things here n possibly!?
A few scrappers

they are pushing ,lol! slow..but moving!so thats awesome.pic #1 is the Auto Cush.:smoke:


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just an fyi if they stay very runt like for the next several days,ill most likely re do them and run them with my fall run with a separate mix dialed back a little,just in case.hope that does not mess with stuff too bad,but just trying to get them to do a little better cuz i think i can.i think i can i think i can lmao!! but if they stay runted once root formation n watering have begun i dont wanna three way tie for runted wee i may keep.but the two are we'll see,just a slight heads up man.
Ya,woulda,coulda shoulda

Well,I have not been feeling awesome,sooo, I thought Id keep them since they decided to move (n i frigin hurt right now)a day er so prior to me wanting to yank thats cool!! Pretty little things eventhough two of em are a wee hosed atm.bit ya neeeevrrr kno i watered them with a small bit of cal mag n thats all so far.


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