Nutrients Compost tea bubbling up


Cultivators Club
Feb 7, 2023
Reaction score
Hi all

Making my first biotabs compost tea for my ladies. Seems to be coming together nicely and have therm set at 22c and airstream creating lots of froth.

Question is do I break it down and stir it back in and let it bubble back up or just leave it as it is, it's been on 22hr so it's for tomorrow's feed in the morning

Video showing how it is and its like its breathing with it going up and down. The tea is about 2in beneath the froth so its all above if that makes sense



  • compost tea.mp4
    4.1 MB
Hi all

Making my first biotabs compost tea for my ladies. Seems to be coming together nicely and have therm set at 22c and airstream creating lots of froth.

Question is do I break it down and stir it back in and let it bubble back up or just leave it as it is, it's been on 22hr so it's for tomorrow's feed in the morning

Video showing how it is and its like its breathing with it going up and down. The tea is about 2in beneath the froth so its all above if that makes sense

@Bob's Auto's will be your man for this also I'm not sure how long you have to use when its ready so make sure you ask
also there's a video
@St. Tom thanks for that video, I only ever saw a short clip of that and that's the first time I've seen the end. I'll not break any foam down and just scoop it out like he did.

The thing is I count my weeks by the days if that makes sense so my plants are now on 17 day flower so I see that as half way into my 3rd week and in 4 days time I'll be in 4th week, so.of compost tea os from the 3rd week I think that's anytime after the 2wk has passed.

Hope I'm right and that's how I've always done my times even when on canna nutrients lol someone's going to tell me I'm doing it wrong and I've been harvesting my plants 1 wk early for the last 3yr haha

Thanks for the link and im needing the dont panic its organic t shirt from biotab lol

I'm brewing for 36hr so it'll be used as soon as the 36th hour is up as that'll be around 8am tomorrow I've no fed for 2 days and they're getting light so I might dampen with some plain water an hour before as sods law it'll run right through them.

I guess then I'll need to brew again for a feed on Tuesday morning because if all they get is 1/2 litre then that's no much. @Bob's Auto's have I got that right, feed 1/2 litre of compost tea every 3rd day, what do I give in between or do I feed 1/2 litre every day

Thanks both
Hey bro,

Happy to see you use the tea. You're not going to be disappointed. :thumbsup:

Seems to be coming together nicely and have therm set at 22c and airstream creating lots of froth.

Question is do I break it down and stir it back in and let it bubble back up or just leave it as it is, it's been on 22hr so it's for tomorrow's feed in the morning
Leave it be. It's proteins, a by-product from the bacterial culture. It means they are doing their job and multiplying ;)

@Bob's Auto's have I got that right, feed 1/2 litre of compost tea every 3rd day, what do I give in between or do I feed 1/2 litre every day
Just plain water. Don't go overboard on the tea. Once it starts to work back off a bit and let the bennies do their job. As soon a you see a slowdown in growth, hit 'm again. So I would give 'm the 500ml and then plain water for at least a week or two. Please do bare in mind that you use dechlorinated water. Just air the water out for 24hours, with our without an airpump...dealers choice :toke:
Oh and before I forget. Don't be tempted to use the sediment from the tea. First off, it's to concentrated and you won't be able to divide it over the pots anyways. So better not to use it or risk creating unrecoverable nutritional differences in between the pots. What you can do is reuse the sediment in a next brew. Add about half the amount of tea powder of what you normally would have used. Add the normal amount of Orgatrex and let it bubble.
If for any reason you need to let it bubble for longer then 36 hours, just add some more Orgatrex. The carbs inside are a powerhouse for the bennies :thumbsup:
@Bob's Auto's that's great advice and I know what you mean as there's lots of stuff at the bottom.

I made a complete cock up, last night I decided to make myself a tassismo and unplugged the thermo!!

Yep I forgot to plug it back in again.. I was well happy this morning but when I checked the temp it was only 9c :sadcry:

I couldn't use it as I read it needs to be 21/22c so I chucked it down the sink and I'll feed water today and brew some more tonight for 36hr and feed the tea on day 21

I am a little bit gutted but I'd rather not chance it and do it properly and I'll note to myself either move the bucket to another plug or move the tassismo coffee machine lol
@Bob's Auto's that's great advice and I know what you mean as there's lots of stuff at the bottom.

I made a complete cock up, last night I decided to make myself a tassismo and unplugged the thermo!!

Yep I forgot to plug it back in again.. I was well happy this morning but when I checked the temp it was only 9c :sadcry:

I couldn't use it as I read it needs to be 21/22c so I chucked it down the sink and I'll feed water today and brew some more tonight for 36hr and feed the tea on day 21

I am a little bit gutted but I'd rather not chance it and do it properly and I'll note to myself either move the bucket to another plug or move the tassismo coffee machine lol
Those temperatures don't kill the bennies, just slows them down...As long as there was movement in the water it's still good to use ;)
Thanks @Bob's Auto's unfortunately it was to late as I dumped it and thought it had to be at 21/22 throughout to help the bacteria things work its trial and error and 1st time failure lol but I did wet the plants appetite by giving 1.5ml of pk5-8 so i think they'll be good for 2 days and I'll then brew up another and know then I'll be on day 21

1 question do I also feed my autos and my panty punch photo the compost tea as that's all mixed wirh silicium flash water only?

You're right there @St. Tom those tassimos are wow but fecking expensive, I avoid the Costa as they've reduced to 6 pack and go for the Lor machiatto caramel or plain machiatto as you get 7. I bought some Cadbury hot chocolate pots and you get 8 in those. I'm a wanker who also buys the squirty cream and the dusting for the top lol I'll take a pic of my next one and you'd think it cost a fiver haha

Thanks @Bob's Auto's unfortunately it was to late as I dumped it and thought it had to be at 21/22 throughout to help the bacteria things work its trial and error and 1st time failure lol but I did wet the plants appetite by giving 1.5ml of pk5-8 so i think they'll be good for 2 days and I'll then brew up another and know then I'll be on day 21

1 question do I also feed my autos and my panty punch photo the compost tea as that's all mixed wirh silicium flash water only?

You're right there @St. Tom those tassimos are wow but fecking expensive, I avoid the Costa as they've reduced to 6 pack and go for the Lor machiatto caramel or plain machiatto as you get 7. I bought some Cadbury hot chocolate pots and you get 8 in those. I'm a wanker who also buys the squirty cream and the dusting for the top lol I'll take a pic of my next one and you'd think it cost a fiver haha

I buy the 8 packs online either when on offer or directly from the Tassimo website as normally I find a discount code also regarding the chocolate ones I buy the milka ones there's more taste to them