Lighting complete set up change. ...2nd grow let's see what happens. ...

They got everything! Which parts do you use besides grow, bloom and kelp?
I use age old organics they have a good line up of products. They have one called kelp it works best on young plants and late in flower but I use there whole line up pretty much for all my plants. Check them out.
This is my first LED grow. Trying to get light distance down. I think my mars 1200 was to close at 30 inches so I pulled it up a couple inches hopefully to get a tiny bit of stretch. Not sure if they are growing below, just bushing out slightly and I'm not noticing or if growth is stunted, they look pretty healthy, very minimal N-tox, very slight droop here and there and some tips on new growth look a little light colored. ..plain water next feed as little is more and they are not starving so just water should clear them up and get them back on track.
Root Assist CalMag Ca-Libur Humic and all the basic ones bloom grow kelp and help trust me you can't go wrong they have have feeding charts and schedules available as well.
And you can make a hell of a super soil with there dry mixes as well
One thing to keep in mind that when growing with leds the plant may show sings of a deficiency but it's the beam angle or light burn from being to close that is happening to me at the moment light burn the light was 9 inches from the canopy and got burned but it looks like a deficiency but it not. A 1200 watt light keep it about 30 to 38 inches away imo.
Yeah I'll have to measure where it is now after family dinner and see. I'm about to upgrade everything into my 4x4 tent which is 6 inches taller than my 2x4 so I'll have more room to work with. Was at 30 inches but they went stretching much so I wanted the happy medium of stretch lol. Probably put up my 4x4 tent in the next few days as I have like a dozen beans coming and another old style Mars 600 led to throw in my 4x4 to help the 1200. After this harvest I'll very a fan and filter and lights for the 2x4 tent and run that too as well as some t5s in my closet so I'm have 3 plants on constant rotationequaling 12 total at all times. 20 days apart on harvests. Different strain for each group of 3.
One thing to keep in mind that when growing with leds the plant may show sings of a deficiency but it's the beam angle or light burn from being to close that is happening to me at the moment light burn the light was 9 inches from the canopy and got burned but it looks like a deficiency but it not. A 1200 watt light keep it about 30 to 38 inches away imo.
I'll b running all autos so I'm just leaving everything on 24/7 lol easy rotation of plants. 2 tents and a closet should cover it. 6 in the 4x4 with my 1200 and 600 for the final 40 days, I'll have 2 smaller LED for days 20 to 50 in the 2x4 tent and some T5s for starting 3 girls in the closet. Hoping it works out well
Sounds like a winner I'm eventually do something similar. Curious on how it all timing of the different phases will be
Yeah I'm sorting for 80 day harvests. There will be more then enough power and space at every area to contain growth pay twenty days if a harvest time goes longer. I'm an over achiever lol