Lighting complete set up change. ...2nd grow let's see what happens. ...

House and gardens root ex! It's tits!
I'll have to give it a whirl. Lots of trial and error lol. I am about to buy 3 old Mars 300 from Tina to add in with my 1200....not an amare yet but it will be close to 1000 true watts in my 4x4 tent with a mats II 1200 and 3 300s angled for supplemental lighting haha. Second grow. I playing in the big leagues yet? Lol
Your doing an amazing job bro! Believe that! Trust me, I started with 3 Mars lights as well, 1 Kind light. Still will be very happy with yeild and product I'm sure! It's alot to do with the grower my man, you got the thumb for sure @Discretepete2676
thanks brother loop! I'm trying! Practice makes perfect. Just glad I got my AFN fam. Can't fail really. Just have to search and ask the right questions. ...but I think the real key to success is your love, care and energy with growing. I probably did so many wrong things my first grow from not checking pH even once, having no predetermined feed schedule, watering til run off in the beginning causing over watering first few weeks, unset feeding and causing deficiencies etc....and I still managed a pound off 4 plants in 92 days and under and the smoke is still great. Lived off love lol and genetics. ..
I'll have to give it a whirl. Lots of trial and error lol. I am about to buy 3 old Mars 300 from Tina to add in with my 1200....not an amare yet but it will be close to 1000 true watts in my 4x4 tent with a mats II 1200 and 3 300s angled for supplemental lighting haha. Second grow. I playing in the big leagues yet? Lol
I think u are bro would to see how it goes with that kinda of wattage
You guys are too kind! @Tenacious Trichomes I read your thread last night and you still did great, way to bring it back. I studied and trained to grow autos, never grew a photo in my life lol, I'd probably struggle with the switch. Autos are a different game, this AxT will go good for u bro I can feel it!
Haha thanks man!! Yeah, caught it before it was too late, that's for sure, but real close too lol...

Hopefully you're right man...I'm assuming the cal def played a huge role in her overall yield so if that's the case, I shouldn't be worried too much with her size now...

Fingers crossed man!! [emoji120]
Also would like to announce that I took advantage of Mars hydro Christmas special on old stock and I purchased myself a 200x3 old style led to add into my 4x4 tent along side my Mars II 1200 I have in there. Should I angle the 600 or keep both flat? I'll have 6 to 8 girls in the tent. Haven't decided yet probably just add 2 more when my seeds get here which will leave me with 6 for my next run as well