New Grower commercial weed

I mentioned this to somebody a year or so ago. The weed he had tasted a bit wierd and i reckon it was cut with something. His reply was "it gets you stoned" my reply was "metholated spirits gets you drunk"
In the 70s they used to cut cheap moroccan slab with henna, (not here but at source) probably still do. But i never heard or experienced this with weed in those days. In the 70s the dope trade was not run by big criminals (apart from Howard of course, but he was not a criminal in the way that i mean)
Now days in the uk much of the street skunkweed is grown by serious criminals who would do anything for profit. "Oh well so it goes"
good on you archie i hope lots of people see that video and pass it on, i gave up on the soap bar years ago. Not sure how its made but i think a lot of the so called "black hash" towards the end of the eighties was reconstituted in amsterdam from third grade hash oil. The sticky stuff that used to be around? fuck knows what that is.:redcard:
cheers doob