Mephisto Genetics Coffee Monster brews some Mephisto with an Amare SolarPRO 400

Thanks Waira!

I don't know that you can call the Jobe fertilizer encapsulated or not as it's an immediate release powdered organic fertilizer and I assume you're thinking something like Osmocote...

What you're sayin rings true otherwise so I'll see if I can't get some K into this girl without burdening her with much more N.

Yup, you gave me some help in that other thread, you can see why I'm trying to minimize the girl's N now. I appreciate you taking the time.

Now I just have to figure out what I've got or can get easily that's high in K but very low in N. I've got AN Sensi bloom now but it seems to have a pretty decent amount of N and the Epsoma organic bloom liquid feet I have is 1 3 1 so...
Gave Hubba and SODK a dose of full strength Overdrive today as AN Overdrive had the highest K/lowest N values I could come up with. Added cal mag and silica as well. Will see how Hubba's apparent K def responds.

Also I chilled the fook out :baked:

(New new year's resolution - less worry, more faith, more herb!)
Good to see you @Powerful14 , heard some crickets earlier so good to have company!

Have two large strains, SODK and Hubbabubbasmelloscope goin at about thirty days and a Portal Rainbow Moonstone at about two weeks. Tryin to conserve some space for the hopefully big girls and just signed on to test Dinafem's White Cheese!

Like everyone else I need more room for more girls!!!
Budelee is right, you have to get a meter. Something else I'd like to add as I hear a lot of folks copying others feed schedules is it's not bad as a baseline but a direct copy isn't the best. All plants, strains even lighting can change what your plants need. It will take time to get it down but it's worth it in the long run.
I agree, but I am an old school grower that always checks pH. I have seen more than one person get lock out because of improper pH. That being said, some nutes do not need adjusting..depending on your starting water. I am currently trying out Biotabs. Once you get going you only add water to the reservoir. No pHing needed. I have always checked my pH on all of my nutes. It only takes a min, but can really mess up your grow if you are off. Good luck
Powerful14, they just up and asked for volunteers or the White Cheese in the Dinafem section

@BigSm0 are you talkin bout the ppm meter? I've started pricing that and a ph pen
So I'm supposed to feed in soil based on the ppm of the mix not the milliliters?
And ph the feeds, even in soil with AN nutes?

Thanks slowandeasy, I got an accurate 8 and all my pots were between 6.2 and 6.8 ph
Unless your full organic then I'd be checking ph every time you feed and water. Organic soil can buffer if your using chem ferts your probably way low on ph. I bet you had a feed at 5.5 ph that will fuck ur soil up. You'd have to flush and re feed at a 6.5 ph to start correcting issues. Sometimes in flower its not hard to over feed less is more with autos!!!