@budelee I think your right on the nutes lol. I'm looking at moving to Tangs easy sched with no pre-fert except for a little Ca and Mag. Problem is I can't see a practical way to pull the old nutes (Jobe's organic tomato granular primarily I think) out of Hubba's pot, think a complete transplant or major flushing would prob stress her out worse then she already is right now and the cheap pot she's in would make it harder to pull off.
I did just get an Accurate 8 the other day, forgot to mention it but her soil measured 6.4 ph this morn.
I don't have a ppm meter yet but plan on ordering one shortly. I don't recall hearing about people regularly ppm-ing soil feeds until recently but I need one anyway as I'm thinking about trying coco out. Also planning on a ph pen for liquids.
I'm aware the girls are a little N tox but am having trouble reversing that, quickly anyway, hence my recent thread trying to find an alternative to my Botanicare cal mag with no N. I had that thread kind of go sideways on me but learned a lot anyway.
I need to probably take a few more pics of affected leaves as the one I uploaded just looks like nute burn until I look closer. Heck, still could be nute burn, just more severe then I've had it before.
I need to do better on documenting my feeds and watering, recently I've just been using cal mag, silica, recharge, overgrow, kelp, and tried one dose of Bud Candy a few days ago. (Got my AN in.)
I'll try to up a pic of one of the lowest leaves.
Not sure what to do, if I had less time invested in her I think I'd drop a new bean into a less hot mix into one of my freed-up air pots but I'd hate to toss this poor girl.