:smoking: ayuh! Nothing more than a cautionary comment to folks my friend, and my carelessness.... I knew it was fierce at the COB face-.... roger that on the expalination,.. Sm0, I forget the spec's on these particular COB, wattage drawn, CRI (90 I think)? I'm dangling them at mate, grow shops,... I see a similar idea type unit at one, couldn't see the name, but it had a fan and a circular metal perfrated cage surrounding it,.. I'll get a pic and name, just for shits and giggles,... your comment on efficiency made me think of unit,... time to go shame it with yours!
>> @Mizzo81 --... I hear ya,.. I'm not sure of the light is directly responsible for such growth aberrations, but for sure intensity can affect the compactness/node stretching length of them! All my plants in the new tent, photo's included, were growing squat and wide,.. the F1 auto/photo cross (that oddly auto'ed) shot up fast as soon as it went into Sunlight, and the laterals seemed to stall out-
I do appreciate the comments

As far as fans go that’s something I’ll never add to my lights. First off they are noisy and most auto growers are growing for personal use in their own homes. Heck I can’t could the # of tents I have seen wedged next to their beds in their bedrooms. Secondly even quality fans can fail. Their power supplies can fail too and if you have a high powered cob on a thin heatsink being cooled by a failed fan things can get real nasty real fast. It also adds size with the additional parts that take away from the beauty of the AutoCob.