Lighting info, questions and answers

@BigSm0 -- :biggrin: a cautionary posting from an little incident today.... I put post-it's on the bottoms to protect the COB when stored,.. well, I forgot to remove it today after firing up :face: :haha:
...took about 3sec., just enough time to think-- "..huh, light color looks funny-.. oh sh--!" --> :poof::hothot: :rofl: ...:point:= low overall heat output does not mean there aren't hot spots, like point-blank on the COB proper- :nono: ..f'ing-A, lasared through like it was nothing!

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Wow! That’s amazing. Did the COB survive?
:smoking: -- unscathed Hemi', it all happened to fast! The board is fine, not even ash on it,... it really was like a laser went through it- :rofl:... no real flames (I got on it instantly), the hole just appeared!

.....Meantime, the plants are loving these units!:woohoo1:
Not sure where to put this so I chose here. And after I chose this area to post I see I posted last and my post “very powerful”. I find this very interesting, since I started using cobs I’ve had a bunch of my plants self top/split whatever. When I first started using they would do it early like within the first three nodes. I think because I started the lights lower and waited longer to raise. Since I’ve started them higher and let the plants grow to the lights. The fastest growing always seems to split off and look like a topped plant. I think it’s the power of the cobs. When the plants in veg get close enough to the lights they choose to grow out instead of up. Maybe I’m just crazy.
@BigSm0 -- :biggrin: a cautionary posting from an little incident today.... I put post-it's on the bottoms to protect the COB when stored,.. well, I forgot to remove it today after firing up :face: :haha:
...took about 3sec., just enough time to think-- "..huh, light color looks funny-.. oh sh--!" --> :poof::hothot: :rofl: ...:point:= low overall heat output does not mean there aren't hot spots, like point-blank on the COB proper- :nono: ..f'ing-A, lasared through like it was nothing!

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Waira are you trying your hand in some cob art? Lol.
On a serious note and to explain why a cob can do this is nothing more than the light and the amount of it. The efficiency word I always talk about is the reason there is so much heat coming from the front side and not the back side. Every watt created is equal to heat. Inefficient lighting give off less light and more heat at the heatsink. Efficient lighting gives off less heat at the heatsink and more light. But where it gets tricky for most is that light is also heat. So if that was a poor quality cob with low efficiency it wouldn’t give off much light and probably wouldn’t do that. Since it’s a more efficient cob it gives off more light and that light is powerful.
:smoking: ayuh! Nothing more than a cautionary comment to folks my friend, and my carelessness.... I knew it was fierce at the COB face- :hothot:.... roger that on the expalination,.. Sm0, I forget the spec's on these particular COB, wattage drawn, CRI (90 I think)? I'm dangling them at mate, grow shops,... I see a similar idea type unit at one, couldn't see the name, but it had a fan and a circular metal perfrated cage surrounding it,.. I'll get a pic and name, just for shits and giggles,... your comment on efficiency made me think of unit,... time to go shame it with yours! :rofl: :pass:

>> @Mizzo81 --:biggrin: ... I hear ya,.. I'm not sure of the light is directly responsible for such growth aberrations, but for sure intensity can affect the compactness/node stretching length of them! All my plants in the new tent, photo's included, were growing squat and wide,.. the F1 auto/photo cross (that oddly auto'ed) shot up fast as soon as it went into Sunlight, and the laterals seemed to stall out- :shrug:
Not to put too fine a point on it but light is radiation. The COB LED is a powerful emitter on these autocobs. Waira’s Post-it was a poor transmitter of said radiation, resisting that much energy was way beyond its capacity and it self destructed!

PS: I must be way to high I just noticed sorry but it is to funny.