Lighting info, questions and answers

@Cookieman , What this guy said!
He knows his stuff.
How’s it going @BigSm0? Long time since I said hey. Hope all is well. Loving my autocobs, all 11 of them!!

So happy to see you again Wwwillie. It’s been way to long since you last pooped in. It’s great that you made it all the way to 11 too !! It’s funny how we can remember certain things while completely forgetting other things minutes ago. You were the first big order I had on the first Afn sale. Also the first staff to buy AutoCobs. Gosh how time flys.
8 inches from the buds in full bloom with and without reflectors using MC and the resin is flowing. Only one leaf even dared to show a little taco. I could never get this close during veg or early flower.
Im going to lower mine to 10 inches this last week or 2 buds are hard as rocks to say im impressed would be an understatement [emoji41][emoji41]

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So happy to see you again Wwwillie. It’s been way to long since you last pooped in. It’s great that you made it all the way to 11 too !! It’s funny how we can remember certain things while completely forgetting other things minutes ago. You were the first big order I had on the first Afn sale. Also the first staff to buy AutoCobs. Gosh how time flys.
Wow huh!
Yep pretty fateful day thinking back. 420 celebration, COBs were a hot topic and I fell in love with the elegant (in an engineering way) autocobs. Very cool man, very cool.
Wow huh!
Yep pretty fateful day thinking back. 420 celebration, COBs were a hot topic and I fell in love with the elegant (in an engineering way) autocobs. Very cool man, very cool.
Hey Willie How's tricks How's things on the microfarm . :thumbsup: took your research and took it to the bank :thumbsup: I've got 9 Mephisto plants on the go as we speak. started my current grow with molasses and Promix HP throw in some Mammoth P , Mega Crop and bingo Don't be shy now always enjoyed your presence here . :pighug:
Ciao a tutti,
mi scuso se scrivo in italiano, ma il mio inglese è troppo bloccato, per favore usate un traduttore.
Da poco in Italia si può coltivare cannabis a basso THC .... limite 0,2%; io e un gruppo di amici vorremmo iniziare una coltivazione da destinare alla vendita.
il ceppo che vorremmo produrre dovrebbe avere lo 0,2% di thc e cbd superiore al 20% ..... sarà un ceppo regolare (non autofiorente) riprodotto per talea .... proveremo la tecnica sog.
Leggendo i tuoi messaggi, vieni preso in considerazione per le luci di Bigsmo, proveremo le spighe verdi anima cbd; massa critica cbd e melon kush cbd (credo punteremo molto su tre dato che hanno ottenuto il 0,03 da etichetta); ma proveremo anche painkiller xl e candida cd-1 che ha il limite thc 0,2.)
Bigsmo, consigliaci una configurazione per 1 mq che metterò in discussione con una hps, dopodichè, in base ai risultati vedremo :)))))))
Qualsiasi consiglio è benaccetto sia su luci che su ceppo da usare ... grazie a tutti :)))

Edit: Willie here, I used Google translate to save you a few steps.

Hello to all,
I apologize if I write in Italian, but my English is too blocked, please use a translator.
In Italy it is possible to cultivate low THC cannabis .... 0.2% limit; I and a group of friends would like to start a cultivation for sale.
the strain that we would like to produce should have 0.2% of thc and cbd higher than 20% ..... it will be a regular (not autoflowering) strain reproduced by cuttings .... we will try the sog technique.
Reading your messages, you are taken into account by the lights of Bigsmo, we will try the green ears soul cbd; critical mass cbd and melon kush cbd (I think we will focus a lot on three since they got 0.03 from the label); but we will also try painkiller xl and candida cd-1 which has the limit thc 0.2.)
Bigsmo, recommend a configuration for 1 square meters that I will discuss with a hps, after which, according to the results we will see :)))))))
Any advice is welcome both on lights and on log to use ... thanks to all :)))

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@BigSm0 -- :biggrin: a cautionary posting from an little incident today.... I put post-it's on the bottoms to protect the COB when stored,.. well, I forgot to remove it today after firing up :face: :haha:
...took about 3sec., just enough time to think-- "..huh, light color looks funny-.. oh sh--!" --> :poof::hothot: :rofl: ...:point:= low overall heat output does not mean there aren't hot spots, like point-blank on the COB proper- :nono: ..f'ing-A, lasared through like it was nothing!

@BigSm0 -- :biggrin: a cautionary posting from an little incident today.... I put post-it's on the bottoms to protect the COB when stored,.. well, I forgot to remove it today after firing up :face: :haha:
...took about 3sec., just enough time to think-- "..huh, light color looks funny-.. oh sh--!" --> :poof::hothot: :rofl: ...:point:= low overall heat output does not mean there aren't hot spots, like point-blank on the COB proper- :nono: ..f'ing-A, lasared through like it was nothing!

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:fire: you have given ideas to stoners. :nono:

3 seconds is fast