@BigSm0 and everyone else
Just got 2 autocobs and hanging them at an angle instead of straight down. They are hanging beside 600 watt HPS cool tube fixtures that are already in the tent and I don't plan on removing. The COBs are about 18 inches away from the closest canopy top right now. But I'm worried that might be too close.
What are the early warning signs when COBs are too close to plants? I'll watch them closely for the next couple of days but I have no idea what the early warning signs are. I figure burnt tips is what you see when in fact they were too close for too long but I"m hoping to catch things before then.
And I get 2 more COBs in the mail any day now to complete the setup so hoping to dial in the first 2 so I just need to hang the next 2 at the same distance.