They all do anymore. Most of the general public is so stupid that they accept it as the norm so manufacturers have no incentive to do any better.
And You have to remember that everything from the 3 miles of wire that make up the main harness to the 36 modules that control everything are all supplied by the lowest bidder.
Mine (well my dogs , but he let's me drive it) has been in the dealers shop for over 2 months now as they "try" to repair it...
They got it back with 300 miles on it when it started to fall apart.
I’m happy to say that I have been so blessed with my 2 tundras. I have added 300k miles between them. Brakes, tires and one battery. Oh and a hell of a lot of gas lol. Lots of plowing, towing and hauling too.
Me likey!! Can’t go wrong with a Toyota pickup. On my 4th...Tacomas though. They can’t be broken has been my experience. All sold with well over 200k miles.
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