Closures Related to Covid-19

but i don't want to do it for Covid-19!

me ain't puttin down the pot for any reazon :nono: way...not a snowball'z chance in hell :rofl: IF i were to catch it, and IF it were to kill me, then by god, i'm goin out STONED! :shooty: jus sayin & carry on plz...:bong: ppp
I got seeds giving of someone but he said they were gorilla glue Not autos!
Can anyone tell what they may be from a picture? Thanks


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I do not know how sound this advice is:

People who have contracted COVID-19 may want to put down the pot.

Aurelius Data is sounding the alarm that tetrahydrocannabinol or THC — the high-inducing component of cannabis — will not mix well with the coronavirus if it is anything like the flu.

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“We know that the epidemiology of COVID-19 is similar to the influenza virus and has a similar disease presentation,” said Julie Armstrong, CEO of Aurelius Data. “And we know that in studies where THC was administered to mice with influenza, we saw an increase in viral loads and a decrease in the immune system to fight off the virus.”

“It stands to reason that the same would hold true for coronavirus and THC consumption could diminish the immune system of someone infected with the virus.”
The company said further research is necessary to map out all the interactions that might occur in these cases and if CBD, which helps modulate autoimmune and inflammatory responses, produces different results.

“Although no clinical trials exist showing poorer outcomes in patients infected with COVID-19 who use therapeutic or recreational cannabis, the data from pre-human studies urge caution for these individuals in the face of the current viral epidemic,” said Barry Mennen, a doctor who utilizes medical cannabis in his primary care practice.

The company is encouraging people to provide invaluable feedback by filling out a brief survey on its website. The questionnaire asks about fears related to contracting the virus, conditions people currently treat with cannabis or other medications and how effective they find those treatments to be.

“Medical Cannabis patients across this country are going to be affected by COVID-19 just like the rest of the population and they need to be aware of the interactions their cannabis medications could have on this disease,” Armstrong said. “We are working to collect data in this under researched area and provide them with the best recommendations we can moving forward.”

The big pharma just doesn't want you to use any natural medicine. Otherwise they couldn't sell you their synthetic shit that nobody needs; it does more harm than healing. Cannabis has great detoxifying abilities amongst many other that you all are aware of already. Don't let them brainwash you with their fake news. Nature has already all the medicine we need.

Didn't mean to attack you, @Mañ'O'Green . Please don't be mad at me :pass:
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I got seeds giving of someone but he said they were gorilla glue Not autos!
Can anyone tell what they may be from a picture? Thanks
Hey Tuck this might not be the right thread for your question, but if the lady no like turn after she is say 24 to 28 days from germing, switch to 12/12 light schedule.