Indoor Closet Grow with Grindin, (Dragons and Afghan kush ryder)


Smoking and flying
Sep 3, 2011
Reaction score
For my secound grow i got 2 fem Afghan Kush Ryder's, 2 fem Little Cheese, and 1 fem Critical + automatic that will be goin strait into their 3gallon homes.:D

I also got 6 Duurty Dragons and 2 Purple AK's:wiz: that ill be starting in the Mcdonalds sweet tea cups and tiering them to the 3gallons after sex.

The soil is Fox farms ocean forest/happy frog 50/50 mix. On some of the plants ill be using the fox farms trio with kangaroots and microbrew. The rest ill be using the roots organic line i ordered..

They will all be started under a 600watt MH dimmed down 50%

I still need to put up a thermometer and ocsilating fan up but other than that everythings ready! Heres the before and after pics of the closet. :smoke:

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nice! I'm gettin ready to drop a few myself....

some Thunder Dragons and possibly some Purple Berry Diesel

:smokebuds: you did a nice job on the setup!

Awesome setup Grindin :D i'll be following you on this one dude, got plenty to learn from you mate
Good luck with your new set up. I will be keeping an eye on this one!
so far one of the Afghan kush ryder's, two duurty dragons, and one magic dragon has successfully germinated and got planted :booya: a few more beans started to crack but im gonna let the taproot peak out a bit before planting the rest
so far one of the Afghan kush ryder's, two duurty dragons, and one magic dragon has successfully germinated and got planted :booya: a few more beans started to crack but im gonna let the taproot peak out a bit before planting the rest

Nice work... The journey has begun!!

Setup looks sweet bro..
I have two Afghan Kush Ryder's, 5 Duurty Dragons, 2 Magic Dragons, one Critical + auto, and one Purple AK that germd and got planted. idk whats up with the little cheese but they didnt germ so i put my last one in there to see if it would. i hope i can at least get one out of the three goin i wanted to try it!! i traded my last AKR for a fem Fruit auto by dinafem so i started germin her last night too:booya:
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nice setup dude :D forgive me if im worng, but your soil looks very dry