New Grower 1st time Auto Grow - DP Blackberry Kush & Blueberry

Plants are at 1 week today, everything is looking good so far, I'll be transferring them into the soil any day now. Tent conditions have been stable and I think I found the sweet spot for my light distance for them at this stage.

Day 10 and I just transplanted! I can't believe the amount of growth that took place in the past 3 days, the roots were already coming thru the drainage holes in the second solo cup! I'm hoping I didn't wait too long to transplant! The next few days will be interesting for sure.
So its been 3 days since I've transplanted into the FFOF/Perlite blend and the 2 Blackberries didn't miss a beat and seem to be loving it, the Blueberry on the other hand not so much. I noticed yesterday that the bottom leaves were curling down on the tips only, I watered with a tiny bit of Grow Big and tonight when I checked her, she has seemed to perk right up. I still haven't fed the 2 BK's and they're looking great.

Has anybody had issues like this with the tips curling down after transplant?

Week 4. Going strong! I actually tried a little LST on one of the Blackberries and she popped free of her bonds every day during lights off, so I set her free. It accomplished what I wanted for now, a few of the bottom shoots that were in shadow are really taking off now. I also did a little defol on some of the larger fan leaves that were blocking good flower sites. Starting them on 1/4 strength of Tiger Bloom next feeding along with Big Bloom and Cal-Mag because they started to stretch the last 2 nights substantially and I'm seeing preflowers all over.

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Week 5. Plants are done growing upwards, they all ended up about 3ft tall. The 2 Blackberry kush plants are flowering and the Blueberry is still pre-flowering. I trimmed some more of the large fans that were near the bottom or blocking new bud sites, and I trimmed some of the small lower branches that would most likely become popcorn buds in the end.