New Grower 1st time Auto Grow - DP Blackberry Kush & Blueberry

I'm gonna take your advice and give it a shot, wish me luck!
make sure you don't over water , I water with spray bottle to start, lights schedule 20/4
try keep Temps around 80 degrees / RH around 70, I don't turn lights on till she breaks the soil.
Best of Luck
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I made the mistake of planting autos directly into air pots mix was way hot,
3 of 5 took produced under 1 oz each plant .

Now I use seed starting soil once I see a tap root. gets her off to a nice start.
10 days later nice set of roots ready to be transplanted.

you can put some thing the size of a solo cup
with open bottom in the center of main pot with SSS or potting soil if you don't want to transplant !
Did you cut just the very bottom off, or about 3/4 of the way down?
I cut all the bottom out keep it a good 4 inches deep, place in center of main container no trans planting,
water in center to start once your in veg stage you water around the center piece, I'm gonna water from bottom once I go into Veg.
This bean was placed in seed starting soil 4 inches deep
in its final resting place once the tap root started, the rest of bucket is organic soil

This is her today 5 days later
All 3 of my seeds have popped and are now in soil, I borrowed a technique from @Jpkindbud after considering a few options that I've seen here at AFN. I can't wait to see my girls break the surface! I've learned that growing autos is quite a bit more involved than growing photos, I hope it's gonna be worth it in about 11 weeks lol.
So I've finally reached day 1, 3 for 3 germ rate, I went with the solo cup instatransplant method for the Seedling stage and so far, so good, thanks @Jpkindbud for the idea. They just had their 1st full day of light yesterday and they seemed to perk right up! I do believe that plants need rest, so I'm going with an 18-6 for all stages, it just makes sense for the plants and for my electric bill. They are currently sleeping, but when my light comes back on, I'll post some baby pics.
So I've finally reached day 1, 3 for 3 germ rate, I went with the solo cup instatransplant method for the Seedling stage and so far, so good, thanks @Jpkindbud for the idea. They just had their 1st full day of light yesterday and they seemed to perk right up! I do believe that plants need rest, so I'm going with an 18-6 for all stages, it just makes sense for the plants and for my electric bill. They are currently sleeping, but when my light comes back on, I'll post some baby pics.
Is there a post/tutorial on that solo cup transplant thing......thinking thats how I want to try my next run.