New Grower Classic novice grow

Im also running fox farms everything this run but I also have terp tea and I wana try it on at least one plant to experiment.
Always try stuff. Obviously dont go overboard. Teas are a super-food so be careful using it. Especially if you are running it with fox farm as it might cause some n-p-k toxicity. But if you are willing to possibly stunt a plant experimenting is a great way to find your preferred method of cultivation.

Happy growing!

Put 2 more seed sprouts in small cups today. "24hrs in water cup 24hrs in paper towels on seedling mat"
One norther lights that the seed had opened but no tap root yet. and
One Kandy Kush that had a huge tap root. "That thing was begging for soil!" Im excited for this plant it looks like a hard worker.
Both White Widows in the 3gal bags are rocking and rolling. I didnt expect the little one to survive but its going for the light.

Currently tent and light conditions:
Light 22in from canopy at 50%
Temp 78
RH 75

Question: Since I am running RO water should I supplement with Cal-Mag sooner than later?