Mephisto Genetics Chem City Blues, Cobs & A Hippy :)

I think I will stick my second sour stomper in this journal rather than starting a separate one. Then I'll start a new one when the cheeeeeeeese beans arrive [emoji3]

So here is Sour Stomper day 16. She's currently 16cm tall and looking spookily similar to the first SS I grew and harvested recently. She's doing the same up rather than out early growth, which is slightly different from the other Mephisto strains I've grown. The last one got to almost a metre tall so hopefully this one will too! She's on biotabs in a 15 litre air pot, last one was chem nutes in a 10 litre pot. Will be interesting to see how organic nutes and a bigger pot affect yield and bud quality.



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Chem City Blues day 40. She went onto flowering nutrients today. Currently just under 60cm tall with plenty of nice branching. Still hoping for good things from this one. She looks happy and started to smell today [emoji3]


Tent shot.


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Day 44 for Chem City Blues and she had turned out to be quite a lovey lady. Nice and big and bushy. Loads of good side branches and she's currently 62cm tall. Flowers are starting to form nicely now. Really have hot high hopes for this girl I reckon she's gonna be a lovely smoke as long as I don't fuck anything up during flowering. Biotabs.





Sour Stomper day 22. Lovely and healthy and happy. No issues and nothing to report so far. Loving the biotabs.



The family.



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Looking amazing! Nice :greenthumb::slap:

How do you post the full size pics?:pass:

Thank you very much indeed buddy, I really appreciate it :bighug: :vibe:

Err, when I'm stoned and posting pics with tapatalk, it gets to a bit where it says "how big you want them geez? proper big?" and I answer "yes" basically! :crying: :woohoo1: