Indoor cfl auto bomb/pakistan ryder grow

i moved that light in the fridge a little lower on the pakistan. and im working on getting a fixture for my 250w hps for flowering in the future.
what strain is your avatar captain?
the side light on the auto bomb was to close apparently, because the bottom branches went all crazy trying to avoid the it last night. so i just moved it back a little and it looks fine now.
i'll be starting a new auto grow soon with auto blueberry, royal bluematic, pineapple express, S.A.D., and a northern lights auto.
i'll probably start the journal in the next couple days.
the auto bomb is staring to get kinda yellow. is this a nitrogen or phosphorus deficiency or what?
Nice grow you got going on! I think you seen my Pakistan Ryder today. Its a nice plant :)
thanks, do you know what i can do about the yellowing leaves? ill check out your grow right now.
How bad is the yellowing? Mine started to yellow also, make sure you keep your PH and dont give nutrients every watering. I think Pakistan Ryder only need a little bit nutrients not a heavy drinker.
yeah i give them nutes like every other two times i water. could be just to big for the pot.

autobomb top
Is she still going a bit yellow? hard to tell from the pics, with the HPS on.

Are you still watering with nutes every other one?
From the pic it hard to tell bro but tips look a little yellow/brownish and crispy. Possible nute burn