Has anyone here grown or interested in growing any high CBD strains?

I have found member reviews and reports really useful when I am strain shopping, and I want to explore Med-High CBD strains.

For simplicity and to aid our conversation, I would like to suggest that ratios are expressed THC:CBD and that we use the following scale:

-1% Low
1-5% Medium
5%+ High

Sweet Seeds have just released "Pure CBD",

1:15 to 1:20 !!

"Sweet Pure CBD® (SWS65) features a THC:CBD ratio of between 1:15 and 1:20, with levels of THC standing between 0,4% and 1% and CBD levels of around 8-15%."

Data Sheet
Variety SWS65
Indica: 40% / Sativa: 60%
THC: 0,4-1% · CBD: 8-15%
THC:CBD Ratio: (1:15-1:20)
Indoor Yield: 400-500 g/m2
Outdoor Yield: 375-600 g/plant
Indoor Blooming: 9 weeks
Outdoor Harvest: late September
It looks like a good strain, especially at the higher %.
Citrus and Cypress- could be interesting, especially in a live tincture!

Yeah, the ration is impressive.
Only just saw this on their site, never grown it.
Have done other Sweet Seeds auto strains though,
Cream Mandarine XL, Dark Devil and Jack 47.
I'm sure this will be just as awesome.

I should really try a high CBD strain some time.
Hey folks. I just wanted to share my experience a bit. First off very interesting thread, ecspecially interested in the sublingual administration of marijuana. I've made plenty of butter, some extractions with alcohol (everclear) and soon ice water hash. Making it so the bioavailability is better sublingually is something I'm after, and plan on trying out soon. I just finished a critical+cbd auto this past week.
That's the link to the journal if anyone is interested. I've got 4 more beans of it so I'll definitely be giving it another go.
I love it though. There's just enough thc there to get a small buzz combined with the cbd it makes for really relaxing smoke. I can work well with pain relief, as well as relax. For sleep I'll usually smoke a bowl of critical and finish with just a little bit of non cbd. First experience was with oil under the tongue. This is great stuff. I use it mostly for pain, also anxiety. I get it from diamond cbd, not bad. As of now smoking it is my preferred method of ingestion. Best part is I have only tried the sample bud from 10 or so days ago. The final product should be that much better.
Here's a couple pics. Of the critical+cbd auto.

it's the one in the middle in this pic.


Oh ok lol I basically use the Rick Simpson method for the oil. I did it a while back, I forget what page in budlees thread.
I don't really use weights or measures for this. I would use a quart size Mason jar, not jam packed full, leave enough room 2" or so from the top of the jar. You could use less if you wanted. I'll find what page it is on and post the link. Only difference now is I use a rice cooker, and I do it outside, I've always done any alcohol based extractions outside, period. That way you avoid any chance of getting yourself hurt, and that's still not full proof, be smart don't smoke, or try doing it by a campfire or a grill lol no open flames in the area.
Butter-I use a stick of unsalted butter per 7-10 grams of trim or popcorn you can use good bud too, if medicating I don't see that as a loss. I break the bud up if using bud, don't grind anything. If anyone is uncomfortable with it at first you can use a double boiler instead of a pan on the stove. I melt the butter down, add the pot to the butter, using a spoon or fork, I like those silicone spatulas, I stir it up make sure the weed gets saturated and bring it to a simmer (I guess that's less than a boil) I say that because I don't use thermometers, and don't know the temps right off hand. If you want to be precise or if your intimidated by making it at all get, you a thermometer I think they use the kind for candy. Also if you use a double boiler instead of a pan it's near impossible to burn it. Could be impossible I've never tried lol Anyway after I get it to a simmer I dial it back some to just below a simmer, all while mixing, don't let it sit too long to avoid burning, another thing some folks do, is use water in the butter to avoid burning it. Keep an eye on it at all times. I'll let it go 30 minutes to an hour. The last couple times I only cooked it for 30 minutes and I enjoyed the effects more, than the butter from the longer cook time. When I'm done, and it cools, I'll strain it with just a lid into a mason jar or bowl. I like mason jars because of the next step. Then I take cheesecloth and a thick rubber band, like they use on asparagus or lobster claws and put the cheesecloth over the mason jar and strain it into another jar or bowl. Also the bud that's still in the pan you can spoon that into cheese cloth and squeeze out what butter remains. Don't want to squeeze it too hard because you'll end up pushing small pieces of weed into your final product. You can strain it all again if you see bits of plant material in the butter still, at this point you can even use a coffee filter (unbleached) if you want, cheese cloth does well for me, also make sure you double the cheese cloth up you can make it 4 ply to 8 ply. If you used water put it in the fridge until it separates then remove the butter from the water. The longer it cools the easier this is I'm sure. Then make whatever you want with the butter cookies, brownies, I like it on toast too. Lol @KonopCh thanks man you have made me realize I suck at instructions. You caught me off guard, I just woke up lmao I hope this helps some one. Any questions just ask. I'll work on finding that page for the alcohol extraction it's pretty easy though. Biggest thing is don't be intimidated by any of this just be smart and just do it. That's how I learned, Read a couple ways of doing it and just did it, not saying I wasn't intimidated at all, but it works against you.
@johnp540 so no decarbing first? Just into pot and simmer for 30-60 minutes?
What is your starting dose then?

Thank you for that information!! :bighug: