About to grow some auto cbd strains:
Auto CBD Star (Ministry of Cannabis) THC: 10% CBD 10%
Amnesia Auto CBD (Dinafem): THC: 6% CBD: 12%

And also this non-auto:
Candida (CD-1) (Medical Marijuana Genetics):
THC: 0.3%-0.9%
CBD 10.6%-20.6% (Depends on fenotype)

Was looking for this one but it was sold out:
CBD Lemon Potion Auto (Barley's Farm): CBD/THC ratios at 1:2; with Cannabidiol content (CBD) up to 15%

Other interesting auto cbd strains:
OG Kush Auto CBD: THC: 7% CBD: 14%
Critical + Auto CBD: THC: 5% CBD: 10%
Baby Boom Auto CBD: THC: 9% CBD: 9%
BLUE ACE CBD AUTO : ratio of 1/2 thc to cbd
CBD Med Gom auto (CBD Crew): THC: 10% CBD: 15%

Other interesting non auto cbd strains:

Would love to see an auto with high cbd and minimal thc

I have seen research that shows that cbd works better with a little thc.
If true (and I believe it), this means that something like a 10:1 cbd:thc should be more beneficial from a cbd point of view than just pure cbd.
Hi VitaMan:
AI have grown and use on a regular basis Dinafem Moby Dick CBD the ratio is 1:1 and the strength is ~20% based on my Canalytics test results. The real test is the pain relief I get without too much of a buzz. It is a balancing act to not over medicate at first and is the only strain I use when I must drive or function in the outside world. The Moby Dick CBD strain is mostly tropical sativa and grows really big and tall. I had to run the flower phase at 10/13 - day/night to get it to bloom.

I don't smoke anything since I am a reformed tobacco smoker (47 years clean) and find it very offensive. I have made oils, tinctures and other edibles but found them less effective than I was hoping. First It takes two or more hours to get relief when consumed. This is unacceptable when the pain flares up in my back and shoots down my legs like they are in a blast furnace full of flying pins and needles. I have solved this immediate need for relief by making rosin from the MD CBD, dilute it with EJmix and/or Puff Magic and/or pure terpenes then put in a vape cartridge and vaped. Relief is just minutes away with this method. The chocolate bars made with decarbed rosin are first class long term relief lasting up to 12 hours or more when consumed. So a one two punch - a couple of hits on the vape eat a piece of chocolate and pain is managed for most of the day.

I have been using cannabis for pain for about 2 years now. Something I have discovered through trial and error is that I must change up the strains I use as my body gets "use to" a strain repeated too many times in a row and becomes less effective. Throwing some different high THC strains in the mix, usually at bedtime resolves that problem. I don't really notice the high when I sleep. and the 1:1 does its work when I need it and to be active at the same time.

I highly recommend Dinafem Moby Dick CBD.

In a 3x3x5 foot tent she does not fit. DWC with Dyna-Gro nutrients and cheap chinese leds.

View attachment 820764

Yes, rotating strains is the way to go.
And those edibles do take too long to kick in.
Something you might try is strong tincture under the tongue.
It can be made with 190 proof everclear (ethanol), and if desired the ethanol can be eliminated and some of it replaced with oil.
I make tinctures that have about 4 mg thc per drop, and a few drops under the tongue kicks in partially but quickly, and the remaining swallowed part behaves like an edible.
Under the tongue and against the cheeks get some (I'd guess 10%) of the medicine directly into the blood stream.
But directly into the blood stream is 2 or 3 times more potent than going thru the digestive system first.
Tolerance under the tongue might be different too.
Careful not to injure the tongue, because alcohol tinctures burn.

These nano-enhanced oils look very interesting... I guess it's not impossible to make it yourself but don't really know
This is intriguing.
But I can't find any scientific reviews of "Nano enhanced hemp oil," just ones from those who stand to benefit from selling it.
I can find multi-marketing offers from several companies offering this online.

Until proved different by real testing, this should be considered the latest cbd scam.
Define "nano enhanced" For now it sounds like marketing speak.
The tinctures, ointments and bud that i produce myself are really effective. I'm interested if there is a real, properly documented benefit, and can be done safely in my kitchen.

This reminds me of "Micronized protein powder" and how that company claimed that proteins that haven't been micronized are not usable by the body. (Ahem...I chew well, but I assure you that the chicken I ate wasn't micronized"
@VitaMan "Nanoemulsions are nano-sized emulsions, which are manufactured for improving the delivery of active pharmaceutical ingredients."
basically, they are saying "
CBD has poor solubility and extensive Phase I and Phase II metabolism at the enterocyte level resulting in 6% oral

For those interested, here are some (scientific) links on this topic, some of em very recent:

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@VitaMan "Nanoemulsions are nano-sized emulsions, which are manufactured for improving the delivery of active pharmaceutical ingredients."
basically, they are saying "
CBD has poor solubility and extensive Phase I and Phase II metabolism at the enterocyte level resulting in 6% oral

For those interested, here are some (scientific) links on this topic, some of em very recent:


Until we see some results from large numbers of people using nano-prepared MJ medicine, and comparing it to regular prepared, these methods are of questionable usefullness.
Maybe our digestive system already knows how to make nano-particles, and automatically does that to MJ.
Maybe my stirring of MJ dust into a brownie recipe does that.
Initial appearances are that nano technology will allow us to dissolve cannabinoids in water, but for most purposes, that's unnecessary because oil works fine.
@Simplicio thanks for your input, I came across this method when seeing a video on youtube (Dr. Shade - Prime my Body) and was just wondering if somebody had info or tried this method. I intend to make cbd oil myself, about to start growing for the first time. If I am able to produce buds in a couple of months, I will ask u some tips ;)
@Simplicio thanks for your input, I came across this method when seeing a video on youtube (Dr. Shade - Prime my Body) and was just wondering if somebody had info or tried this method. I intend to make cbd oil myself, about to start growing for the first time. If I am able to produce buds in a couple of months, I will ask u some tips ;)
If/when nanotechnology is proved to be successfully applied to MJ, using relatively cheap equipment/materials, then we should all consider it.
Good luck.