Indoor CBD Extraction Help?!

Hello all! On my first grow of CBD strains to make oil/tincture for anxiety/pain.

My question is around harvesting - do I need to completely dry and cure like normal, before I start the extraction process, either by infusion or ethanol extraction (I haven't decided yet) or can I start the process with freshly harvested still wet buds? And should I also include the leaf in this process, or flowers only?


Sent from Space
So after reading along this morning, the bug bit. 3.5 grams of beautiful Mephisto Samsquanch honey.
Lookd delicious dude!

So was this an ETOH extraction.

Sent from Space
Yes, about an oz of room rH bud that's been out for about 3 weeks. Broken up, everything frozen, then a 3 minute wash. Add alcohol and shake gently, put back in freezer for 1 minute, shake again, freezer... thru a wire strainer to get the large stuff, then thru a coffee filter and evaporated. Then purged under vacuum.
And it's like getting hit in the back of the head... eyes go a little wonky... forget what you were doing, kinda stuff.
Hahaha how good is this!

I also like the magical butter machine. Need to do some comparisons.

Sent from Space

Lol looks like Im living like a rock star hahaha. I can say I have something that was on the Most Expensivist hahaha. Mbm is a good tool, but doesn't decarb so not the samething. Nova is awesome I eat gummies everyday and I use it to decarb rosin for them. I use mbm for tinctures anymore.

